My Acer Aspire 5580 shows normal info on discharging andika@hokage:~$ cat /proc/acpi/battery/*/* alarm: unsupported present: yes design capacity: 4000 mAh last full capacity: 4131 mAh battery technology: rechargeable design voltage: 11100 mV design capacity warning: 300 mAh design capacity low: 165 mAh capacity granularity 1: 32 mAh capacity granularity 2: 32 mAh model number: PRESPAL serial number: 217 battery type: LION OEM info: PANASONIC present: yes capacity state: ok charging state: discharging present rate: 2437 mA remaining capacity: 448 mAh present voltage: 10336 mV But abnormal (?) one when charging: andika@hokage:~$ cat /proc/acpi/battery/*/* alarm: unsupported present: yes design capacity: 4000 mAh last full capacity: 4131 mAh battery technology: rechargeable design voltage: 11100 mV design capacity warning: 300 mAh design capacity low: 165 mAh capacity granularity 1: 32 mAh capacity granularity 2: 32 mAh model number: PRESPAL serial number: 217 battery type: LION OEM info: PANASONIC present: yes capacity state: ok charging state: charging present rate: 63418 mA ^^^^^^^^ remaining capacity: 256 mAh present voltage: 10640 mV Does it need to be handled differently in battery.c or up to any userspace tools to check 'charging state' and calculate proper (65535 - x) 'present rate'? This is on kernel 2.6.22 TIA. -- andika - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-acpi" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at