Major changes; please cherry-pick patches since 2020-02-05 and re-submit

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Greetings, friends. This message is to clear up any confusion regarding what happened to the ELKS repository and where we go from here.
The elks-org organization on Github has been deleted. The project repo 
has been restored to my original location:

I have force-pushed my version of the repo from February 5, 2020. Please cherry-pick and re-submit (as a pull request on Github) all of your patches since then for individual consideration, along with the rationale for acceptance of the patch. An issue has been opened on the project with this same request. I will be reviewing and approving all pull requests myself for the foreseeable future.
I apologize for the inconvenience that I know this will cause. This 
change in project management is not up for discussion and I will not 
entertain any attempts to discuss it. Those who disagree with it are 
free to fork the project and go their own way. All contributions are 
very welcome, but you will all have to check your egos and attitudes at 
the door.
Thanks to everyone for your past, present, and hopefully future support 
of this project.
Administrative notes: I'm re-subscribed to this mailing list, so please 
do not CC me in replies to the list. Discussion on the project issue 
tracker is the preferred method of collaboration. That is all.
Best regards,
Jody Bruchon

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