On 02/24/12 12:26, Brad Normand wrote:
I've been watching this list for a while and I'm happy development is
continuing! The last time I tried playing around with ELKS, I
couldn't even get things to compile, and had I succeeded, I got the
feeling I wouldn't be too impressed.
You probably still won't be impressed. ELKS in my QEMU frequently goes
into an endless loop or otherwise stops working properly. I'll work out
the problem eventually, but in the meantime I'm trying to clean up the
code. ELKS really needs to be more comment-heavy in the code. I'm tired
of seeing one-letter variables everywhere and not being fully sure what
they're up to.
In case anyone's interested, my wishlist:
Support for 100% BIOS I/O (eventually I'd like to run this on
non-standard hardware, Sanyo MBC-55x, so any in/out opcode and
interrupt hooking will fail to work as intended). Where necessary,
BIOS RAM can be probed and this shouldn't be a big problem.
I think there's some degree of this already. I know ELKS can be built to
not disable IRQs at boot, and uses BIOS calls for most disk I/O anyway.
Support for reserving some low memory area (again due to hardware constraints).
That shouldn't be hard.
Some method to transfer data to/from FAT12.
Planned for the future, for sure. The FAT filesystem options in ELKS
were "unimplemented features" so I stripped them out of the build
process entirely until a driver actually exists.
And, a question... how feasible would it be to run anything with 256KB
RAM? I was tempted to reply to the EMS code message because to make a
useful ELKS machine out of these, I may have to design a memory
expansion board, and I've got lots of 4MB SIMMs laying around.
Otherwise without kernel bankswitching support (or through EMS calls)
I believe I can do 960KB.
The problem with EMS code is that ALL EMS boards are different, and the
LIM EMS specification is useless since it relies on the vendor-supplied
DOS driver to work. We can write an EMS driver if we have the hardware
and can figure out how it works, or if you make the hardware yourself as
you suggest. EMS is extremely hard to find (particularly at a sane
price) these days so I blew the whole idea off.
I also have a strange memory management idea that may be
interesting... Since 8086 is a 64KB segment oriented machine and you
are already bumping up against the limitations of that, and there is
talk of changing compilers... how crazy would it be to design a new
segmentation ABI to allow relocation of segments and still allow
programs to use more than 64KB?
Manpower is always the issue. My thoughts (which I have not shared until
now) were the same as what I was doing with my 6502 operating system
that I've written: each program has a set of relocation tables that are
just a list of offsets to absolute pointers (far pointers on 8086, long
addresses on other platforms we might support later like 65816) and when
the application image is loaded into memory, the relocation tables are
retained in memory as well. If we needed to shuffle code elsewhere in
memory for whatever reason (EMS, swap, defragmenting memory, loading a
distinctly separate instance of a program already being executed,
something to do while setting the building on fire) it would be a simple
matter of enhancing the memory manager to intelligently rewrite
relocations and tweak the stored task processor context to match the
changes. This could even potentially be used to move data that is
malloc()ed around if it was done carefully. But, of course, we come back
to the issue of manpower once more. Who is going to write the compiler
code that generates these new executables, the ELKS code that handles
the new executable format, etc.? From what I understand, a lot of the
people with sufficient compiler knowledge bailed on ELKS some time ago,
so making this change would be an uphill battle.
I'm thinking something along the lines of, instead of using mov DS,AX
type instructions, these are changed to an OS call, so that the kernel
knows what segments the userspace is using, and when it has to
relocate data, it can simply rewrite the stored CS,DS,ES,SS of the
userspace, and next time the userspace needs to switch segments, it
asks the OS to do the dirty work. Managing>64KB allocations is
possible too but basically the program needs to request a 64KB window
into the data at a time. This would probably be pretty directly
applicable to a bankswitching scheme as a poor man's MMU.
That sounds plausible, but I'm guessing bcc doesn't generate MOV DS,AX
anyway, since it apparently restricts everything to single segments...
Sorry for the craziness but I've spent many hours pondering this stuff
in the past... if there's interest I'd be happy to put together a
specification of sorts.
Right now, we need to fix the most egregious bugs in the code,
specifically the ones that cause the system to hang, lock up, get stuck
at a looping "login:" or other crashy behavior. I suspect that bcc is
partially responsible for some of these problems, given that it
generates lackluster code and the bcc source itself is very poorly
documented, making changes to it dicey. Once again, I would love to
switch compilers, but while SDCC is apparently the most promising
option, it also doesn't support the 8086 (unless I missed something when
I looked at it), so that's a dead end unless someone wants to port SDCC
to 8086 first. I'm thinking that the only real solution is going to be
to either massively retool bcc, or to write a compiler. I'm starting to
see why ELKS was abandoned; few people exist that want to do these big
jobs AND possess the requisite experience to actually do it.
Jody Bruchon
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