I'm releasing an updated clean tarball with DOS line endings stripped
and the latest patches applied.
For ease in debugging the Dev86 problem here, this is the chunk of code
in cpp.c from the most recent Dev86 that handles #include files. We
can't have random included files being detected as non-existent when
they are clearly present. If you're a C programmer, please figure out
where this is going awry. It happens for both <xxx> and "xxx" #include
I cleaned out the MS-DOS CRLF line endings that I happened upon and the
problem persists.
cpp.c code in question follows:
static void
int ch, ch1;
char * p;
FILE * fd;
ch = get_onetok(SKIP_SPACE);
if( ch == '<' || ch == '"' )
if( ch == '"' ) ch1 = ch; else ch1 = '>';
p = curword;
while(p< curword+WORDSIZE-1)
ch = pgetc();
if( ch == '\n' ) break;
if( ch == ch1 )
*p = '\0';
p = strdup(curword);
do { ch1 = pgetc(); } while(ch1 == ' ' || ch1 == '\t');
saved_files[fi_count] = curfile;
saved_fname[fi_count] = c_fname;
saved_lines[fi_count] = c_lineno;
fd = open_include(p, "r", (ch=='"'));
if( fd ) {
curfile = fd;
} else
cerror("Cannot open include file");
*p++ = ch;
cerror("Bad #include command");
while(ch != '\n') ch = pgetc();
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