You are right, Patrick was a great help. He even made an effort to scan the original Toshiba 1100+ manual for me because it wasnt working at all for me :) Thanks Patrick. And "pfengland" (sorry dude, don't know your name) "Real programmers use cat to edit files" :) have you tried pico or joe or ed. I have not so I am just enquiring. I have some questions for you, did you install as86 and ld86 separately or did it come with your ELKS root image install ? To burn the Toshiba DOS files on the floppy, I would suggest using rawrite programs for windows. U can also use dd on linux but i havent tried that. I have also found a version of Elisa - the Lisp program wihch talks to u- and ran it on the toshiba 1100+ successfully :) There are other things people on this group can try, there is this kernel called Movitz which is a Lisp kernel written for the x86 processor. I have run it on Bochs (open source Virtual machine software) but not on Toshiba1100+ yet.. maybe i willl play around . If you ever get your development environment running, or even if it is partially running could you and everyone else who has been successful in doing that please post some instructions :) It would save us a lot of time if we want to do it and we can collaborate more in creating applications for ELKS or any other 8086 clone. Thanks and regards Vikas On 4/27/06, pfengland@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <pfengland@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Glad to hear at least a couple of people out there are using elks. I just rescued a t1100+ from a recycling pile, and have elks working on it pretty well. Patrick, I was glad to find your website, it inspired me to rescue this ancient laptop, and the disks you posted there helped me get started (though I'm not sure how to make boot floppies from the toshiba dos files you have on there). > A couple of questions for anyone using elks: > I am trying to get a development environment going on the toshiba. as86 and ld86 run fine on them. Has anyone had luck compiling/running bcc and libc in elks? I want to be able to do development on the system I am developing for! > Also, what are people using in the way of editors? vi and elvis don't really seem to work. I like e3-16 but it is disgustingly slow on this machine. - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-8086" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at