I'm working on it now, then I will tell you what the efax does. You want me to use a phone to actually listen to the line? I am happy to update my kernel if that will make things easier. It just seemed that there was better support for older kernels, so I kept it. Once we started I didn't want to change anything, especially with the autoconf.h issue. -----Original Message----- From: Philippe Vouters [mailto:philippe.vouters@xxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 4:39 PM To: Andrew Merczynski-Hait Cc: Linmodems; Antonio Olivares; Marvin Stodolsky Subject: Found a bug in the driver for kernel < 3.4.0 - Your computer is hanging Dear Andrew, I found another bug in the driver for kernels below 3.4.0. This might well explain the NO DIALTONE error with a 537EP modem which I never saw with a 536EP modem. Meanwhile your computer is hanging. Reboot in recovery mode and remove /etc/init.d/537_boot. Then shutdown/reboot as normal. Mail me when you have rebooted. Yours truly, -- Philippe Vouters (Fontainebleau/France) URL: http://vouters.dyndns.org/ SIP: sip:Vouters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx