Sina The dialer utility package WVDIAL does not appear to be installed on your System. Please read Modem/DOCs/wvdial.txt for Communication controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. Conexant SoftK56 Data/Fax Modem Primary device ID: 14f1:2f50 Support type needed or chipset: hsfmodem Start at to find the hsfmodem package matching your System. For several Linux distros, there are precompiled drivers matched to specific kernels. These have within the FileName, your KernelVersion: They can be found through . If an EXACT Match with your your KernelVersion is not found, one of the "Generic packages with source" near the bottom of the page must be used. Downloaded packages must be moved into the Linux partition (home folder is OK) and unzipped with: unzip hsf*.zip Install with # rpm -i hsf*.rpm Read DOCs/Conexant.txt MarvS 2010/1/30 Sina Saeedi <>: > -- > آدرسهای خود را کوتاه نکردهاید؟ «کیو در کیو دات آیآر» روامتحان کنید > >