Joshua, It would be interesting to do diffs on the components of your older functional agrsm package for 048c/f and check what code updates could be ported over to your older? code version. What version is reported when you load your current drivers? MarvS On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Joshua Gordon Crawford<jgcrawford@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > 2009/8/24 Bjorn Wielens <uniacke1@xxxxxxxx>: >> These drivers have all but the 620 and 630 ids commented out. >> You can try enabling them in the agrsoftmodem.c file to see if it will work with your 048c. > > I've just tried uncommenting the 048c and 048f lines, but it still didn't work. > -- > Joshua Crawford ... > > > Be rewarded! Join RewardsCentral today! >