Kayo, please download scanModem.gz from LinModems site. Copy it to your linux partition and unpack with $ gunzip scanModem.gz $ chmod +x scanModem $ sudo ./scanModem or $ su - passwd: # cd to_where_scanModem_was # ./scanModem send us ModemData.txt only. The model of the Laptop/notebook does not matter since it could have many different combinations of chipsets. Your best bet is to run scanModem and send us the ModemData.txt so that we can advice you better. Regards, Antonio On 8/22/09, Kayo Hamid <kayohf@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hello, i try to search on the web the modem model of my notebook, > aspire 1640, but i can't find this, it's impossible. I try to compile > the slmodem package that the linmodems provides, but i can't too... > > can any one help-me? > > tkz. >