Andre, The make bzImage command appears to be unnecessary here. Did you get the file martian-20080625.tar.gz? This is the file you need to download and compile against your running kernel. scanModem reports that you need: =================================================================== Support type needed or chipset: Agere.DSP The modem has a Lucent/Agere/LSI Mars or Apollo DSP (digital signal processing) chipset. Support packages for 2.6.n kernels are at: Always use the most update for kernels after 2.6.20, currently martian-full-20080625.tar.gz For kernels 2.6.20 and less, usr martian-full-20080407.tar.gz. See DOCs/AgereDSP.txt for Details. and it also reports that you need kernel headers linux-headers- resources needed for compiling are not manifestly ready! The patch utility is needed and is needed for compiling ALSA drivers, and possibly others. If compiling is necessary packages must be installed, providing: kernel-desktop-devel- If you have the kernel sources/kernel-devel- package installed proceed to extract and compile the martian-full-20080625.tar.gz package. Regards, Antonio On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Andre Dubuc<aajdubuc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi folks, > > I received an error that terminated 'make bzImage': > > 'no rule to make target 'init/main.o', needed by 'init/built-in.o' ' > > Sigh . . this sure is *fun* to get this modem working! Help? >