Better forget about using this modem.
See below what ModemData.txt says about it.
There s only one way to make this modem work.
Replace the recent Linux distribution by an old, obsolete, outdated
distribution based on a kernel of family 2.4.any - while your present
one is a 2.6.something.
If this PC is a laptop, and you want it with the modem just to
read/write mail and browse the Web (basically, no good handling of
video and sound applications), a kernel 2.4 will do it.
Otherwise, again, forget about this modem.
Excerpt from ModemData.txt:
Vendor=1813 Ambient Tech was acquired by Intel with its HaM (Host
assisted Modem) chipsets.
There is no support under 2.6.n kernels!!
Intel-v92ham-453.tgz 2.4.n kernels was the FINAL 2.4.n update for HaM
modems, available at:
It is NOT functional when compiled under 2.6.n kernels.
But under the 2.4.nn kernels, all HaM chipsets were supported,
with a single EXCEPTION: the odd PCI_ID 1813:4100 modems. [ yours
is 1813:4010 thus not excluded].
hans Range wrote:
Hello my name is Hans Range and I live in British Columbia,Canada. I
have an old pc here with a fresh install of sabayon linux 4.1 its pretty
old and has a seemingly incompatible modem in it i really would like to
get this up and running asap. any help is greatly appreciated. if there
is no hope for this modem then what will work that i can pick up at most
computer stores. i understand some of the modem data file but not enough
to know where to get started. the data file is attached!
Thanks in advance.