Dear US Bank Customer Your US Bank card has been automatically enrolled in the Verified by Visa program To ensure your Visa card's security, it is important that you protect your Visa card online with a personal password. Please take a moment, and activate for Verified by Visa now. Verified by Visa protects your existing Visa card with a password you create, giving you assurance that only you can use your Visa card online. Simply activate your card and create your personal password. You?ll get the added confidence that your Visa card is safe when you shop at participating online stores. Please click the link below Activate Now for Verified by Visa We present our apologies and thank you for co-operating. Please do not answer to this email - follow the instructions given. These instructions have been sent to all bank customers and it's obligatory to follow. © 2008 US Bank Service Department * Please note: If you FAIL to update your Visa card, it will be temporarily disabled.