--- On Sat, 11/15/08, Dr. Lázaro J. Rojas Sopo <lazaro.rojas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > From: Dr. Lázaro J. Rojas Sopo <lazaro.rojas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Subject: I have problems > To: Discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > Date: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 7:05 PM > I'm having problems with my presente UBUNTU OS, not > recognizing my modem, I > did as suggested in UBUNTU's help, downloaded > scanModem.gz and identified my > modem. > My country is Cuba and I don't have a free access to > the Internet, just to > certain Websites and unfotunately linmodem isn't among > them. My e-mail > address is lazaro.rojas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so I ask your > cooperation and > assessment in enabling this modem despite being unable to > join the Website > since I'm not allowed to access it. > Thanks in advance. > Dr. Rojas, Lazaro. M.D. > > --------------------------------------- > Red Telematica de Salud - Cuba > CNICM - Infomed Dr. Lazaro, >From http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/Ubuntu/ , download the package slamr-2.6.24-19-generic.tar.gz Under Linux, open a terminal and unpack with: $ tar zxvf slamr*.tar.gz Move into the unpacked folder $ cd slamr-2.6.24-19-generic Look around $ ls Run the $ sudo ./setup Afterwards do: $ slmodemd --help $ slmodemd --countrylist &> Clist.txt If not in the USA, look for your COUNTRY_NAME therein. Do and edit with: $ sudo gedit /etc/default/sl-modem-daemon and therein replace the USA in the line: SLMODEMD_COUNTRY=USA This will provide for the correct Country setting in the automated: slmodemd -c COUNTRY /dev/slamr0 Read the DOCs/Smartlink.txt and DOCs/YourSystem.txt Writing DOCs/Smartlink.txt If you can't get it, I hope you can get it somehow. Regards, Antonio