Tom, let's take this a piece at a time: Are you able to get WiFi working anywhere, at any time? If not, I strongly suspect you're dealing the the Atheros 5007 chipset. If so, the cure is at: ...or wait for Intrepid as that's got 5007 support bolted in already. Now for everything else, I want you to STOP using the term "modem" on it's own. OK? We have "WiFi modems" (including the Atheros 5007 and many more), "landline modems" for plain old telephone line, "cable modems", "DSL modems", etc. What kind of "modem" are you trying to use, and what's it's make and model? Without that, we can't do a damned thing for ya... Jim On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Thomas Stolee <indigo228@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I need help with modem drivers. I'm a linux newbe. My Toshiba > Satellite A55-S1063 has Ubuntu 8.04 Installed. I have no internet > connection at home. I installed a madwifi patched driver, uninstalled > networkmanager,installed WICD, uninstalled jockey and have an > operating wifi, however the closest wifi location for me is 12 miles > away. I have a usb modem and the internal laptop modem. If I can get > either one working it would help greatly. > Thankyou in advance > Tom Stolee at indigo228@xxxxxxxxx >