Hello, I'm testing a modem motorola 1057:3052 with kernel >=2.6.24 and I hada problem, the modem connects just once, in the second try the modemdoesn't respond and I need to unload the slamr module and load itagain. (I reported this here recently). Has anybody here this problem?? I found out why this happen. This changes on kernel 2.6.24 make themodem stop to work correctly:http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/11/2/100http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/11/2/131 -- ----------------------------------------------Gustavo Fernando PadovanEngenharia de Computação 2006LAS - Laboratório de Administração e Segurança de SistemasInstituto de Computação - UNICAMP gfpadovan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@students.ic.unicamp.brpao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Seja Livre, use Software Livre