Joshua This guidance is only in principle correct: ------------------------------------------------------------- >From download Under Linux unpack with: $ unzip hsfmodem*.zip Then install with: $ sudo dpkg -i hsfmodem*.deb Subsequently, the modem should be found with $ sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf Edit in your personal information with: $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf and try dialing out with: $ sudo wvdial. See Testing.txt for details. But if fact Linuxant has yet built the awaiting formal release of Ubuntu Hardy. But you can try compiling your own hsfmodem driver set using from the These may not worked if not version matched with the proper ALSA release, as they do depend on the ALSA snd-hda-intel driver. But you can try. A full back route is to install the older Gutsy linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic which will be properly matches with: Then when Linuxant releases you can go back to using your current kernel. MarvS scanModem maintainer On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Joshua Cox <foshizzletheestablishmentizzle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hey... I've completed the scan with scanModem, tried reading this file > and other files associated with it (that it suggested), and am now a > bit confused... what do I have to download to get my modem working and > how do I do it? > Thanks, > Josh >