This is a soft Winmodem, not an independent modem working "out of the box".
ModemData.txt has identified the characteristics.
Please use the Linuxant driver for Conexant HSF modems.
In the directory Modem where you found ModemData.txt, there is a file
named Conexant.txt with all the necessary information.
Please note that you have used an obsolete version of scanModem.
Therefore, if your installation of the HSF modem fails, please see to send us a new up to date
Frank Schweers wrote:
I have a problem with the analog modem inside my notebook
the notbook is the "acer aspire 1300" and i get no contact to the internet with
this modem
I am from germany
I hope you can help me
I send you the file ModemData.txt
kind regards from germany
Frank Schweers
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