I am overworked these days.
I do not remember all the details of this substantial threads and have
no time these days to reconstruct my knowledge.
Forgive me please if you have already done this:
Before you start wvdial, open three additional
windows/terminals/xterm/you name it. Let us call WD the one where you
would start wvdial, WE, WL and WP the new ones.
In WL, please type sudo tail -f /var/log/messages | tee WL.log
In WE, please type sudo ifconfig >> WE.log ; sudo route -n >> WE.log
Paint the command
sudo ifconfig >> WE.log ; sudo route -n >> WE.log
with your mouse
"Copy" it to the Edit buffer (with the Edit tool at the top of window WE)
In WD, please start wvdial
Jump immediately into window WE, do not wait for wvdial to exit to do so.
Type CTRL-V (which will bring
sudo ifconfig >> WE.log ; sudo route -n >> WE.log
in this window WE, saving you the time to retype) and hit ENTER.
Repeat this CTRL-V about once per second until wvdial disconnects.
Then go back to window WL and use CTRL-C to stop the tail command.
Send us the two files WE.log and WL.log
You will notice that you have not used yet window WP.
When you give the FIRST ifconfig command in window WE, notice that it
does NOT display a block named ppp0, just a block labelled lo .
If you see such a ppp0 block after any CTRL-V, there is no need to
continue with CTRL-V, you have been successfully connected.
Time to jump to window WP.
Look at window WE.
In the block ppp0 it shows a P-to-P address (the pattern is
In window WP type
sudo ping -c 2 >> WP.log
where of course you replace the xxxxxxxx by the address shown next to
This checks if you communicate with the entry point of your ISP.
Repeat the command using the keyboard UP arrow until the connection dies.
Send us the files WE.log, WL.log, and eventually WP.log if you reach
that step.
This is complicated. You may have to attempt several times before doing
it right. Please remember to erase WE.log WP.log WL.log before any new
attempt because >> adds lines and the files grow quickly, taking
bandwidth for nothing and making debugging very cumbersome).
Good luck