Re: Problem with martian_module and Hylafax.

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I have discovered some Emard messages. The messages is attached in this mail.

I think they are what You seed about Marvin, but I think my problem is different. I don't have ltmodem fax dial error during atdt command, my modem always compose the number, I have modem hook during sending a document via fax. What do You thunk about this Marvin?

For example the synthesis of the error during hylafax transmission is:

ul 25 18:41:34.23: [ 8543]: SEND training at v.29 9600 bit/s
Jul 25 18:41:34.23: [ 8543]: <-- [9:AT+FRS=7\r]
Jul 25 18:41:34.31: [ 8543]: --> [2:OK]
Jul 25 18:41:34.31: [ 8543]: <-- [9:AT+FTH=3\r]
Jul 25 18:41:35.19: [ 8543]: --> [7:CONNECT]
Jul 25 18:41:35.19: [ 8543]: <-- data [23]
Jul 25 18:41:35.19: [ 8543]: <-- data [2]
Jul 25 18:41:35.20: [ 8543]: --> [7:CONNECT]
Jul 25 18:41:35.20: [ 8543]: <-- data [7]
Jul 25 18:41:35.20: [ 8543]: <-- data [2]
Jul 25 18:41:36.35: [ 8543]: --> [2:OK]
Jul 25 18:41:36.35: [ 8543]: <-- [9:AT+FTS=7\r]
Jul 25 18:41:36.40: [ 8543]: --> [0:]
Jul 25 18:41:36.40: [ 8543]: MODEM <Empty line>
Jul 25 18:41:36.40: [ 8543]: Stop and wait failure (modem on hook)
Jul 25 18:41:36.40: [ 8543]: SEND: Stop and wait failure (modem on hook); Giving up after 3 attempts to send same page "docq/;01", dirnum 0
Jul 25 18:41:36.40: [ 8543]: <-- [9:AT+FTH=3\r]
Jul 25 18:41:36.40: [ 8543]: MODEM WRITE ERROR: errno 5


jul 25 18:41:36.40: [ 8543]: MODEM <Empty line>
Jul 25 18:41:36.40: [ 8543]: Stop and wait failure (modem on hook)

the modem gives MODEM WRITE ERROR: errno 5  at all.

Could be a low delay timing between modems-fax communication but i don't know how wil be possible to change it.

Hereafter for better analysis you can find a story and the complete settings of my hylafax-environment.

I hope someone could help me to resolve the problem.

Thank you

Best Regards

Marvin Stodolsky wrote:

Emard's old email address has been closed  for more than a year.
The needed edit it easily done with binhex editor.
We just need to recover the instructions.


On 7/25/07, Giorgio Pagani <giorgio.pagani@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Many Thank you Marvin.

I will try to find that you write me about the problem.
By the way if I would rebuild the martian-module with the Agere version
8.26 ltmdmobj.o modified by Emard can I find it, and do you think it is

Best Regards


p.s. is it non possible to have a e-mail address of Emard, only to use
in private mode, obviously?

Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
> One of the older Emard posts has instructions for doing a "one-bit"
> edit within the ltmdmobj.o .  Unfortunate I don't have an URL to that
> particular posts.  He also once submitted a detailed Fax setup script.
> Best way to find these is to start with Emard's oldest message and
> work forward.
> These changes were done to the Agere version 8.26 ltmdmobj.o only on
> Emard's system (I think).  The martian code uses version 8.30.
> Marv
> On 7/24/07, Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Thanks Marv
>> I was lead to searched for newer information because Hylafax worked with
>> ltmodem.
>> For example
>> and
>> On the other hand the later "emard" threads leads nowhere ( I found no
>> statement of success).
>> The more recent thread which I suggested to look at indicates that the
>> problem encountered by several people before and including Giogio
>> occurred to people who lost functionality when switching to martian, and >> that the cause seems to me more likely a Hylafax configuration problem.
>> One of the first things which I would try is to FORCE a unique speed of
>> 14,400 bauds. The problem seems like a timing error occurring after a
>> looooooong speed negociation which eventually ended up at 14,4 kbauds -
>> not a great surprise indeed.
>> Anyway, I apologize for having forgotten that the code module is the
>> same.
>> Jacques
>> Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
>> > Jacques,
>> >
>> > The fax supporting code is in the pre-compiled ltmdmobj.o compnent, >> > which is the same in the old ltmodem.ko and current martian_modem. So
>> > the fax functioning issues are expected to be the same.
>> >
>> > MarvS
>> >
>> > On 7/24/07, Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >> Giorgio,
>> >>
>> >> The pointers suggested by Marv were for LtModem, not yet for the
>> martian
>> >>   driver which you rightly installed.
>> >> May I suggest that you read
>> >>
>> >> and write to the author Kevin Hilton ?
>> >> I found the message ambiguous as I understood that he DID SUCCEED in
>> >> sending and receiving faxes but does not know how to create the
>> matching
>> >> hylafax configuration file.
>> >> Possibly, Kevin succeeded faxing with this modem but not with hylafax.
>> >>
>> >> Jacques
>> >>
>> >> Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
>> >> > Giorgio,
>> >> > A past contributor to this List who used fax with the Lucent modem
>> >> > was emard@SomeAddress,  which is no longer active.  But if you
>> search
>> >> > the older archives for "emard" using the WebGlimpse utility new the
>> >> > bottom of , you wil pull up his
>> >> > constributions.
>> >> >
>> >> > MarvS
>> >> >
>> >> > On 7/23/07, Giorgio Pagani <giorgio.pagani@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >> >> I have installed martian module for my Linmodem and the modem is
>> >> >> operate.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I need to send faxses and I would like tu use Hylafax-program.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I see that some fax command aren't recognized from modem.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> eg:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> The commands at.fts= and at.frs=
>> >> >>
>> >> >> These commands are fax-protocol-command for class 1 modems that
>> >> hylafax
>> >> >> have to use in order to drive a class 1 modems, like my.
>> >> >> These commands aren't accepted from my modem on /dev/ttySM0.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Hereafter the trace of probemodem-command:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> [root@bul02449 ~]# probemodem
>> >> >> Serial port that modem is connected to []? ttySM0
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Now we are going to probe the tty port. This takes a few seconds,
>> >> >> so be patient.  Note that if you do not have the modem cabled to
>> >> >> the port, or the modem is turned off, this may hang (just go and
>> >> >> cable up the modem or turn it on, or whatever).
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Probing for best speed to talk to modem: 38400 OK.
>> >> >> ^[
>> >> >> This looks like a Class 1 modem.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> ATI0 RESULT = "OK" RESPONSE = "LT V.92 Data+Fax Modem Version
>> >> 8.30"
>> >> >> ATI1    RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "E49E"
>> >> >> ATI2    RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "OK"
>> >> >> ATI3 RESULT = "OK" RESPONSE = "LT V.92 Data+Fax Modem Version
>> >> 8.30"
>> >> >> ATI4    RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "70"
>> >> >> ATI5 RESULT = "OK" RESPONSE = "8.30,0,19,11C1,0445,8086,2204"
>> >> >> ATI6    RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "OK"
>> >> >> ATI7    RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "OK"
>> >> >> ATI8    RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "OK"
>> >> >> ATI9    RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "North America"
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Class 1 stuff...
>> >> >>
>> >> >> AT+FCLASS=?     RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "0,1"
>> >> >> AT+FCLASS?      RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "1"
>> >> >> AT+FCLASS=0     RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "OK"
>> >> >> AT+FCLASS=1     RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "OK"
>> >> >> AT+FCLASS?      RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "1"
>> >> >> AT+FJUNK=?      RESULT = "ERROR"        RESPONSE = "ERROR"
>> >> >> AT+FJUNK?       RESULT = "ERROR"        RESPONSE = "ERROR"
>> >> >> AT+FAA=?        RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "0,1"
>> >> >> AT+FAA? RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE = "0"
>> >> >> AT+FAE=?        RESULT = "ERROR"        RESPONSE = "ERROR"
>> >> >> AT+FAE? RESULT = "ERROR"        RESPONSE = "ERROR"
>> >> >> AT+FTH=?        RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE =
>> >> >> "3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146"
>> >> >> AT+FRH=?        RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE =
>> >> >> "3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146"
>> >> >> AT+FTM=?        RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE =
>> >> >> "3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146"
>> >> >> AT+FRM=?        RESULT = "OK"   RESPONSE =
>> >> >> "3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146"
>> >> >> AT+FTS=?        RESULT = "ERROR"        RESPONSE = "ERROR"
>> >> >> AT+FRS=?        RESULT = "ERROR"        RESPONSE = "ERROR"
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Here are the hylafax commands that aren't recognized from modem
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Hereafter the file config.ttySM0,
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> [root@bul02449 etc]# cat config.ttySM0
>> >> >> # $Id: class1,v 1.4 2007/01/11 18:36:24 faxguy Exp $
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> # HylaFAX Facsimile Software
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> # Copyright (c) 1990-1996 Sam Leffler
>> >> >> # Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
>> >> >> # HylaFAX is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this
>> >> software and
>> >> >> # its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
>> >> >> provided
>> >> >> # that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice
>> >> >> appear in
>> >> >> # all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii)
>> the
>> >> >> names of
>> >> >> # Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any
>> >> advertising or
>> >> >> # publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior
>> >> written
>> >> >> # permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
>> >> >> #
>> KIND,
>> >> >> #
>> >> KIND,
>> >> PROFITS,
>> >> >> THEORY OF
>> >> >> # OF THIS SOFTWARE.
>> >> >> #
>> >> >>
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> # Generic Class 1 modem configuration.
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> CountryCode:            39
>> >> >> AreaCode:               02
>> >> >> FAXNumber:              +39..........
>> >> >> LongDistancePrefix:     0
>> >> >> InternationalPrefix:    0
>> >> >> DialStringRules:        etc/dialrules
>> >> >> ServerTracing:          1
>> >> >> SessionTracing:         0xFFF
>> >> >> RecvFileMode:           0600
>> >> >> LogFileMode:            0600
>> >> >> DeviceMode:             0600
>> >> >> RingsBeforeAnswer:      4
>> >> >> SpeakerVolume:          high
>> >> >> GettyArgs:              "-h %l dx_%s"
>> >> >> LocalIdentifier:        "NothingSetup"
>> >> >> TagLineFont:            etc/lutRS18.pcf
>> >> >> TagLineFormat:          "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
>> >> >> MaxRecvPages:           25
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> # Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
>> >> >> # and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> ModemType: Class1 # use this to supply a hint
>> >> >> #ModemRate:             19200           # rate for DCE-DTE
>> >> communication
>> >> >> #ModemFlowControl:      xonxoff         # XON/XOFF flow control
>> >> assumed
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> #ModemSetupDTRCmd: AT&D2 # setup so DTR drop resets
>> >> modem
>> >> >> #ModemSetupDCDCmd:      AT&C1           # setup so DCD follows
>> carrier
>> >> >> #GettyArgs:             "-h %l dx_%s"   # modem must auto-detect
>> >> fax/data
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> # We can append the "@" symbol to the dial string so that
>> >> >> # the modem will wait 5 seconds before attempting to connect
>> >> >> # and return result codes that distinguish between no carrier
>> >> >> # and no answer.  This makes it possible to avoid problems with
>> >> >> # repeatedly dialing a number that doesn't have a fax machine
>> >> >> # (kudos to Stuart Lynne for this trick.)
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> # NB: If you need to prefix phone numbers to get through a PBX,
>> >> >> #     put it in the ModemDialCmd; e.g. "DT9%s@".
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> #ModemDialCmd:          ATDT%s          # T for tone dialing
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> # Other possible configuration stuff.  The default strings are
>> >> >> # shown below.  Only those that are different from the defaults
>> >> >> # need to be included in the configuration file.
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> #ModemResetCmds: "" # stuff to do when
>> >> modem
>> >> >> is reset
>> >> >> #ModemAnswerCmd:                ATA             # use this to
>> answer
>> >> >> phone
>> >> >> #ModemNoFlowCmd:                AT&K            # disable flow
>> control
>> >> >> cmd
>> >> >> #ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&K3 # hardware flow control cmd >> >> >> #ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&K4 # software flow control cmd
>> >> >> #ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd:  ATS0=0          # disable auto-answer
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> # Set modem speaker volume commands: OFF QUIET LOW MEDIUM HIGH.
>> >> >> # Note that we both turn the speaker on/off and set volume.
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> #ModemSetVolumeCmd:     "ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"
>> >> >> #ModemEchoOffCmd:       ATE0            # disable command echo
>> >> >> #ModemVerboseResultsCmd:        ATV1            # enable verbose
>> >> command
>> >> >> results
>> >> >> #ModemResultCodesCmd:   ATQ0            # enable result codes
>> >> >> #ModemOnHookCmd:                ATH0            # place phone on
>> hook
>> >> >> (hangup)
>> >> >> #ModemSoftResetCmd:     ATZ             # do soft reset of modem
>> >> >> #ModemSoftResetCmdDelay:        3000    # pause after soft reset
>> >> >> #ModemWaitTimeCmd:      ATS7=60         # wait 60 seconds for
>> carrier
>> >> >> #ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd: ATS8=2 # comma pause time
>> >> is 2
>> >> >> seconds
>> >> >> #ModemRecvFillOrder:    LSB2MSB         # bit order of received
>> >> facsimile
>> >> >> #ModemSendFillOrder:    LSB2MSB         # bit order modem
>> expects for
>> >> >> transmit
>> >> >> #
>> >> >> Class1Cmd: AT+FCLASS=1 # command to enter class 1 >> >> >> Class1PPMWaitCmd: AT+FTS=7 # command to stop and wait
>> >> >> before PPM
>> >> >> Class1TCFWaitCmd: AT+FTS=7 # command to stop and wait
>> >> >> before TCF
>> >> >> Class1EOPWaitCmd: AT+FTS=9 # command to stop and wait
>> >> >> before EOP
>> >> >> Class1SwitchingCmd: AT+FRS=7 # silence between HDLC recv
>> >> and
>> >> >> trans
>> >> >> Class1RecvAbortOK:      200             # wait 200ms for abort
>> >> response
>> >> >> Class1FrameOverhead: 4 # 4 byte overhead in recvd
>> >> HDLC
>> >> >> frames
>> >> >> Class1RecvIdentTimer:   40000           # 35+5secs waiting for
>> ident
>> >> >> frames
>> >> >> Class1TCFMaxNonZero:    10              # max 10% of data may be
>> >> non-zero
>> >> >> Class1TCFMinRun: 1000 # min run is 2/3rds of TCF
>> >> >> duration
>> >> >>
>> >> >> -------------------------------
>> >> >> my hardware is this hereafter:lspci -v
>> >> >> -------------------------------
>> >> >>
>> >> >> 00:09.1 Serial controller: Agere Systems LT WinModem (prog-if 00
>> >> [8250])
>> >> >>          Subsystem: Intel Corporation PRO/100+ MiniPCI on Armada
>> E500
>> >> >>          Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 11
>> >> >>          I/O ports at 3430 [size=8]
>> >> >>          Memory at 41300000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
>> >> >>          Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 2
>> >> >>
>> >> >> -------------------------------------------
>> >> >> This is the error-log of the communication!
>> >> >> -------------------------------------------
>> >> >>
>> >> >> LOG:
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:27.20: [ 9146]: SESSION BEGIN 000000006 +2700535758
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:27.20: [ 9146]: HylaFAX (tm) Version 5.1.5
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:27.20: [ 9146]: SEND FAX: JOB 13 DEST 02700535758
>> >> >> 000000006 DEVICE '/dev/ttySM0' FROM 'giorgio.pagani
>> >> >> <giorgio.pagani@xxxxxxxxxx>' USER root
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:27.20: [ 9146]: STATE CHANGE: RUNNING -> SENDING
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:27.20: [ 9146]: <-- [12:AT+FCLASS=1\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:27.21: [ 9146]: --> [2:OK]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:27.21: [ 9146]: MODEM set XON/XOFF/FLUSH: input
>> ignored,
>> >> >> output disabled
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:27.21: [ 9146]: DIAL 02700535758
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:27.21: [ 9146]: <-- [16:ATDT02700535758\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:54.93: [ 9146]: --> [7:CONNECT]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.65: [ 9146]: --> HDLC<25:FF C0 02 1C AC EC AC CC
>> AC 0C
>> >> >> 0C EC 4C 0C 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 76 29>
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.65: [ 9146]: --> [2:OK]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.66: [ 9146]: REMOTE CSI "02700535758"
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.66: [ 9146]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.69: [ 9146]: --> [7:CONNECT]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: --> HDLC<9:FF C8 01 00 77 1F 20 D8 D4>
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: --> [2:OK]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: REMOTE best rate 14400 bit/s
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: REMOTE max A4 page width (215 mm)
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: REMOTE max unlimited page length
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: REMOTE best vres 7.7 line/mm
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: REMOTE format support: MH, MR
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: REMOTE supports T.30 Annex A, 256-byte
>> >> ECM
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: REMOTE best 0 ms/scanline
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: USE 14400 bit/s
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: USE error correction mode
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: SEND file "docq/;41"
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: USE A4 page width (215 mm)
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: USE unlimited page length
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: USE 7.7 line/mm
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: USE 2-D MR
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: USE 0 ms/scanline
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: SEND training at v.17 14400 bit/s
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:56.96: [ 9146]: <-- [9:AT+FRS=7\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:57.12: [ 9146]: --> [2:OK]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:57.12: [ 9146]: <-- [9:AT+FTH=3\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:58.00: [ 9146]: --> [7:CONNECT]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:58.00: [ 9146]: <-- HDLC<23:FF C0 C2 0E AE 2E A6 CA
>> E6 76
>> >> >> 96 16 2E F6 72 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04>
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:58.00: [ 9146]: <-- data [23]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:58.00: [ 9146]: <-- data [2]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:58.01: [ 9146]: --> [7:CONNECT]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:58.01: [ 9146]: <-- HDLC<7:FF C8 C1 00 47 1F 20>
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:58.01: [ 9146]: <-- data [7]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:58.01: [ 9146]: <-- data [2]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.15: [ 9146]: --> [2:OK]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.15: [ 9146]: <-- [9:AT+FTS=7\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: --> [0:]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: MODEM <Empty line>
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: Stop and wait failure (modem on hook)
>> >> {E127}
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: SEND: Stop and wait failure (modem on
>> >> hook)
>> >> >> {E127}; Giving up after 3 attempts to send same page
>> >> "docq/;41",
>> >> >> dirnum 0
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: <-- [9:AT+FRS=7\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: MODEM WRITE ERROR: errno 5
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: Failure to receive silence
>> >> (synchronization
>> >> >> failure). {E100}
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: <-- [9:AT+FTH=3\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: MODEM WRITE ERROR: errno 5
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: MODEM input buffering enabled
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: MODEM setInputBuffering::tcgetattr:
>> >> >> Input/output error
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: MODEM tcsetattr: Input/output error
>> >> >> lug 23 00:38:00.20: [ 9146]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:38:00.21: [ 9146]: MODEM WRITE ERROR: errno 5
>> >> >> lug 23 00:38:00.21: [ 9146]: MODEM set DTR OFF
>> >> >> lug 23 00:38:00.21: [ 9146]: MODEM set baud rate: 0 baud (flow
>> control
>> >> >> unchanged)
>> >> >> lug 23 00:38:00.21: [ 9146]: MODEM setBaudRate::tcgetattr:
>> >> Input/output
>> >> >> error
>> >> >> lug 23 00:38:00.21: [ 9146]: STATE CHANGE: SENDING -> MODEMWAIT
>> >> >> (timeout 5)
>> >> >> lug 23 00:38:00.21: [ 9146]: SESSION END
>> >> >>
>> >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------
>> >> >>  From LOG it is possible to see that the communication starts OK
>> >> but it
>> >> >> hangs after the command:
>> >> >> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> >> >>
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.15: [ 9146]: <-- [9:AT+FTS=7\r]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: --> [0:]
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: MODEM <Empty line>
>> >> >> lug 23 00:37:59.20: [ 9146]: Stop and wait failure (modem on hook)
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Then there is the hang-up...................
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Sorry for my low knowledge about modem-fax-communication.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Best Regards
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Giorgio
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> --
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Using free-licensed opensource software: GNU/Linux
>> >> >> powered by Mandriva Linux release 2008.0 (Cooker)
>> >> >> kernel 2.6.21-4mdv on i686
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> --
>> >> >> Linux Powered
>> >> >> DEBIAN SID
>> >> >> kernel-2.6.21-2-686 ;-)
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >>


Using free-licensed opensource software: GNU/Linux
powered by Mandriva Linux release 2008.0 (Cooker)
kernel 2.6.21-4mdv on i686

Linux Powered
kernel-2.6.21-2-686 ;-)
ltmodem fax dial error (fwd)

    * To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: ltmodem fax dial error (fwd)
    * From: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 05:06:47 -0600
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm


I tried versions 6.00 and 8.26 (on kernel 2.4.21) and i'm
experiencing dial error when in fax mode:
After at+fclass=1, atd gives "ERROR". Exceptions are in rare
occasions, typically first attempt to dial fax after power on
is successful while any other dial will return ERROR.
However, dialing data and receiving faxes with hylafax always
works. Sendind fax works always from windows too. 

I think this issue is similar to the one that that existed
in 5.97 and was fixed in 5.99 for APL43 boards
problem when sending a fax, Fax mode - for data/fax only
boards, when sending a fax the input pin for local phone
sense is checked to see if the local phone is in off hook
state. On some boards, this pin is not pulled down and
false trigger. This prevents the driver from dialing the
phone number. The software is changed to always return false.

I have modem/lan combo board,
VENDOR 0x11c1 DEVICE 0x045c Apollo 3 Mercury data/fax only,
Modem LAN combo board, Apollo behind an intel 82559 

Can this be fixed for my board too? 

Best regards, Emard 


Hylafax config

    * To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: Hylafax config
    * From: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 22:04:33 +0200
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * Reply-To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Sender: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


This is my contribution to the community:
hylafax config for ltmodem (I tested adaptive
fax/data reception and it works excellent on 8.26a9). 

Please let me know how it works for you. Fax send
should work too, but I could not test it properly 
because for my modem, the driver most of the time
refuses to dial from fax mode. (I'm waiting for 
someone to fix this simple bug so it would work on 
my modem too). 

Best regards, Emard

#ContCoverPage:         "etc/cover.templ"
#DestControls:		"etc/destctrls"
#DialStringRules:       "etc/dialrules"
#QualifyCID:		"etc/cid"
#QualifyTSI:		"etc/tsi"
#ServerTracing:		0x08501
SessionTracing:		0x4f
InternationalPrefix:	00
RingsBeforeAnswer:	4

# for software adaptive answer, uncomment following 3 lines
# advantage: reliable fax answering
# disadvantage: slow data answer
# (hack: fax 10-33 seconds, hangup, data 60 sec)
# for hardware adaptive answer, comment out following 3 lines
# advantage: fast data answer
# disadvantage: some fax machines that have silence before
# sending fax are incorrectly recognized as data call
# (modem autodetects data/fax)
AdaptiveAnswer:		Yes
AnswerRotary:		"fax data"
AnswerBias:		0

TagLineFont:		"etc/lutRS18.pcf"
TagLineFormat:		"From %%l %%n|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
LocalIdentifier:	"TheFaxUser"
FAXNumber:              1234567
DeviceMode:		0660
RecvFileMode:		0660
# if certain fax machines can't receive
# Use2D:			No
# data incoming call should not pass CONNECT to getty
ModemWaitForConnect: 	Yes
# this is for mgetty
GettyArgs:		"-x0 -r -b -s 115200 %l"

ModemType:              Class1          # use class 1 interface
ModemRate:              115200          # max rate for DCE-DTE communication
ModemFlowControl:       rtscts          # hardware flow control

ModemSoftResetCmd:	"ATZ\n<waitfor:OK><delay:50>AT+GCI=0a" # e.g. GCI=0a:Austria
ModemModelQueryCmd:     ATI9            # Display country name

ModemSetupAACmd:        "AT+FAA=1" # Hardware Adaptive fax/data answer
ModemAnswerCmd:         "ATA"      # Answer when software AdaptiveAnswer is No

# hacks to answer fax, hangup and answer data
# 1. disable adaptive answer, answer as fax only
ModemAnswerFaxCmd:      "AT+FAA=0;X3S7=60+FCLASS=1;A"                     
# 2. timeout if fax didn't answer (in ms)
Class1RecvIdentTimer:   33000
# 3. hangup and data answer
ModemAnswerDataCmd:     "ATZ\n<waitfor:OK><delay:50>ATX3S7=60+FCLASS=0;A" 

#ContCoverPage:         "etc/cover.templ"
#DestControls:		"etc/destctrls"
#DialStringRules:       "etc/dialrules"
#QualifyCID:		"etc/cid"
#QualifyTSI:		"etc/tsi"
#ServerTracing:		0x08501
SessionTracing:		0x4f
InternationalPrefix:	00
RingsBeforeAnswer:	4

# for software adaptive answer, uncomment following 3 lines
# advantage: reliable fax answering
# disadvantage: slow data answer
# (hack: fax 10-33 seconds, hangup, data 60 sec)
# for hardware adaptive answer, comment out following 3 lines
# advantage: fast data answer
# disadvantage: some fax machines that have silence before
# sending fax are incorrectly recognized as data call
# (modem autodetects data/fax)
AdaptiveAnswer:		Yes
AnswerRotary:		"fax data"
AnswerBias:		0

TagLineFont:		"etc/lutRS18.pcf"
TagLineFormat:		"From %%l %%n|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
LocalIdentifier:	"TheFaxUser"
FAXNumber:              1234567
DeviceMode:		0660
RecvFileMode:		0660
# if certain fax machines can't receive
# Use2D:			No
# data incoming call should not pass CONNECT to getty
ModemWaitForConnect: 	Yes
# this is for mgetty
GettyArgs:		"-x0 -r -b -s 115200 %l"

ModemType:              Class1          # use class 1 interface
ModemRate:              115200          # max rate for DCE-DTE communication
ModemFlowControl:       rtscts          # hardware flow control

ModemSoftResetCmd:	"ATZ\n<waitfor:OK><delay:50>AT+GCI=0a" # e.g. GCI=0a:Austria
ModemModelQueryCmd:     ATI9            # Display country name

ModemSetupAACmd:        "AT+FAA=1" # Hardware Adaptive fax/data answer
ModemAnswerCmd:         "ATA"      # Answer when software AdaptiveAnswer is No

# hacks to answer fax, hangup and answer data
# 1. disable adaptive answer, answer as fax only
ModemAnswerFaxCmd:      "AT+FAA=0;X3S7=60+FCLASS=1;A"                     
# 2. timeout if fax didn't answer (in ms)
Class1RecvIdentTimer:   33000
# 3. hangup and data answer
ModemAnswerDataCmd:     "ATZ\n<waitfor:OK><delay:50>ATX3S7=60+FCLASS=0;A" 


ltmodem fax dial error

    * To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: ltmodem fax dial error
    * From: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 05:20:59 -0600
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm


I tried versions 6.00 and 8.26 (on kernel 2.4.21) and i'm
experiencing dial error when in fax mode:
After at+fclass=1, atd gives "ERROR". Exceptions are in rare
occasions, sometimes first attempt to dial fax after power on
is successful while any other dial will return ERROR.
However, dialing data and receiving faxes with hylafax always
works. Modem can send faxes from windows. 

I think this issue is similar to the one that that existed
in 5.97 and was fixed in 5.99 for APL43 boards
problem when sending a fax, Fax mode - for data/fax only
boards, when sending a fax the input pin for local phone
sense is checked to see if the local phone is in off hook
state. On some boards, this pin is not pulled down and
false trigger. This prevents the driver from dialing the
phone number. The software is changed to always return false.

I have modem/lan combo board,
VENDOR 0x11c1 DEVICE 0x045c Apollo 3 Mercury data/fax only,
Modem LAN combo board, Apollo behind an intel 82559 

Can someone fix fax dial issue for my board too? 

Best regards, Emard 


Re: ltmodem fax dial error

    * To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: Re: ltmodem fax dial error
    * From: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 18:07:53 +0200
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * In-Reply-To: <courier.3F0BFA9B.00005316@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * References: <courier.3F0BFA9B.00005316@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Reply-To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Sender: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

I just received a message with the solution of the following problem

> HI 
> <<
> problem when sending a fax, Fax mode - for data/fax only
> boards, when sending a fax the input pin for local phone
> sense is checked to see if the local phone is in off hook
> state. On some boards, this pin is not pulled down and
> false trigger. This prevents the driver from dialing the
> phone number. The software is changed to always return false.
> >>
> I have modem/lan combo board,
> VENDOR 0x11c1 DEVICE 0x045c Apollo 3 Mercury data/fax only,
> Modem LAN combo board, Apollo behind an intel 82559 

Among other haqish gibberish, he said:
Edyt lt_modem.o wid thy HeX edytr, and l0kate 1&only1
hegz string: 83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7 
then xhange bytez           75 bd into -> 90 90
Gud laq weed IBM ThyNkPadz. lTm0demz r qewl buth even 
4 myselph it sometimes b0thers N0TH 2 HEV OPEN SORCEZ

Not exactly knowing what I'm doing, 
I quickly installed khexedit, and as root did:
# khexedit /lib/modules/2.4.21/ltmodem/lt_modem.o

in search field, I entered the hex string separated by
spaces and it found it!
When I clicked to find another, a window popped saying
no other string found and search from beginning again.
So with mouse, I pointed the red cursor at byte 75
and overwritten 75 and BD by typing 9090. It readed then
83 c4 10 84 c0 90 90 c7

So, expecting the worse, I rebooted... Machine loaded
the modified lt_modem.o... did the modification work??? ...

So immediately I connected to raw tty  
and tried 
atd1234  Woooooooooooooow!!! ---> Now it works, dialing happily

then I sent several faxes with hylafax and everything is
working perfectly, faxes are looking good at the remote end!!

Only I wonder how can I automatically patch
binary file so I can make some nice addition to my 
ltmodem installation script?

Best regards, Emard


Ltmodem Fax fix [Fwd: Re: ltmodem fax dial error]

    * To: LinModems <discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Subject: Ltmodem Fax fix [Fwd: Re: ltmodem fax dial error]
    * From: marvstod <marvstod@xxxxxxx>
    * Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 13:39:12 -0400
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * Sender: marv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

RE:  how can I automatically do the desired fax patch to the lt_modem.o
binary file ?


Checking through the code components of the source.tar.gz,
the hex string: 83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7
is within binary pre-compiled at Agere Systems, ltmdmobj.o,
which was compiled with gcc 2.95

Thus for a permanant fix, it will suffice to unpack the
ltmodem-8.26a9.tar.gz compiler kit
# cd ltmodem-8.26a9
# rm -f source/
  if the kit has already been used
# tar zxvf source.tar.gz
# cp source/ltmdmobj.o source/ltmdmobj.o.gcc295
 to maintain the original
Do the hexedit on source/ltmdmobj.o
# tar cvfz source.tar.gz source/
to rebuild the source.tar.gz
Thereafter the fixed ltmdmobj.o will be during a ./build_module or

The string: 83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7
is not within ltmdmobj.o.gcc3 used with gcc 3.nn compiled kernels.

Maintainer Sarkar at Agere Systems,
could you please advise us as to any potential deleterious effects of
the edit:
    83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7 --> 
    83 c4 10 84 c0 90 90 c7 
Can a comparable edit be done in ltmdmobj.o.gcc3 ??


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: ltmodem fax dial error
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 18:07:53 +0200
From: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
References: <courier.3F0BFA9B.00005316@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

I just received a message with the solution of the following problem
> HI 
> <<
> problem when sending a fax, Fax mode - for data/fax only
> boards, when sending a fax the input pin for local phone
> sense is checked to see if the local phone is in off hook
> state. On some boards, this pin is not pulled down and
> false trigger. This prevents the driver from dialing the
> phone number. The software is changed to always return false.
> >>
> I have modem/lan combo board,
> VENDOR 0x11c1 DEVICE 0x045c Apollo 3 Mercury data/fax only,
> Modem LAN combo board, Apollo behind an intel 82559 

Among other haqish gibberish, he said:
Edyt lt_modem.o wid thy HeX edytr, and l0kate 1&only1
hegz string: 83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7 
then xhange bytez           75 bd into -> 90 90
Gud laq weed IBM ThyNkPadz. lTm0demz r qewl buth even 
4 myselph it sometimes b0thers N0TH 2 HEV OPEN SORCEZ

Not exactly knowing what I'm doing, 
I quickly installed khexedit, and as root did:
# khexedit /lib/modules/2.4.21/ltmodem/lt_modem.o

in search field, I entered the hex string separated by
spaces and it found it!
When I clicked to find another, a window popped saying
no other string found and search from beginning again.
So with mouse, I pointed the red cursor at byte 75
and overwritten 75 and BD by typing 9090. It readed then
83 c4 10 84 c0 90 90 c7

So, expecting the worse, I rebooted... Machine loaded
the modified lt_modem.o... did the modification work??? ...

So immediately I connected to raw tty  
and tried 
atd1234  Woooooooooooooow!!! ---> Now it works, dialing happily

then I sent several faxes with hylafax and everything is
working perfectly, faxes are looking good at the remote end!!

Only I wonder how can I automatically patch
binary file so I can make some nice addition to my 
ltmodem installation script?

Best regards, Emard


Re: ltmodem fax dial error

    * To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: Re: ltmodem fax dial error
    * From: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 00:18:29 +0200
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * In-Reply-To: <courier.3F0BFA9B.00005316@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * References: <courier.3F0BFA9B.00005316@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Reply-To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Sender: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

> I have modem/lan combo board,
> VENDOR 0x11c1 DEVICE 0x045c Apollo 3 Mercury data/fax only,
> Modem LAN combo board, Apollo behind an intel 82559 

Wait, according to the numbers 0x45c I should have Apollo 
but it's a PCI card (could be inline with Mars) because 
Apollo's are ment for ISA?!

Maybe that's the reason why fix for APL43 chipset is not working
here so the bug reappeared after it's reported as fixed.

This modem is internal LAN/PCI modem in ibm thinkpad a22m,
(other users have reported the same fax send problems
with other A2* models) 

lspci -vvv shows this:

00:03.1 Serial controller: Lucent Microelectronics: Unknown device 045c (rev
01) (prog-if 00 [8250])
        Subsystem: Intel Corp.: Unknown device 2205
        Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster- SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr-
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
        Status: Cap+ 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort-
<TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR-
        Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 10
        Region 0: I/O ports at 1840 [size=8]
        Region 1: Memory at f4121000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
        Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 2
                Flags: PMEClk- DSI+ D1+ D2+ AuxCurrent=0mA
                Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=2 PME+


Re: Ltmodem Fax fix [Fwd: Re: ltmodem fax dial error]

    * To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: Re: Ltmodem Fax fix [Fwd: Re: ltmodem fax dial error]
    * From: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 00:40:27 +0200
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * In-Reply-To: <20030712193632.GA10702@emard>
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * References: <3F1047BF.6559F563@xxxxxxx> <20030712193632.GA10702@emard>
    * Reply-To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Sender: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

I'd like to take additional notes on the
fax dial patched binaries. I discovered
that ltmodem-6.00c also accepts the same 
binary modification with the same (or even
better) result.

I compared 8.26a9 and 6.00c behaviour with 
alternating fax and data dialout usage and 
found out that both version have initialization 

ATZ and AT&F doesn't always bring modem into
the sane state. Sometimes the modem is unable
to detect dialtone (also it doesn't activate
the speaker so I can't tell did it really go
off-hook), next attempt to dial is however
usually successful. And sometimes it dials
and CONNECT's but soon drops the line.

The problem often occurs after data dialing,
then the next fax dialing can't detect dialtone
even if it iz reset by ATZ or AT&F.

The fix from this situation I couldn't find
for 8.26, but I fiound it for 6.00c (also
binary modifed for fax dialing). 

With 6.00c from the scripts I removed all
resetting like ATZ and AT&F and then 6.00c
always wanted to dial. Alternating fax and 
data dial out calls will not interfere as
long as I don't reset the modem with ATZ
or AT&F.

Dropping and grabbing the serial port ttyLT0
seems sufficient to reset the 6.00c modem. 

The 6.00c fax is completely functional for
both sending and receiving in class 1 as 
fas as my testing with hylafax have shown.

The small drawback of using 6.00c to 8.26a version 
is data - 6.00c connects at max 48k in my case, 
while 8.26a connects to somewhat higher
speeds, like 51k. The difference is not so big however.

For fax sending I suggest 6.00c until they properly 
release 8.xx (or 9.00 :) with corrected initialization
and true fax dial capability...



Re: Ltmodem Fax fix [Fwd: Re: ltmodem fax dial error]

    * To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: Re: Ltmodem Fax fix [Fwd: Re: ltmodem fax dial error]
    * From: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 21:36:32 +0200
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * In-Reply-To: <3F1047BF.6559F563@xxxxxxx>
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * References: <3F1047BF.6559F563@xxxxxxx>
    * Reply-To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Sender: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


> Thus for a permanant fix, it will suffice to unpack the
> ltmodem-8.26a9.tar.gz compiler kit
> # tar cvfz source.tar.gz source/

That is excellent. Now it's permanent and builds my package

> The string: 83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7
> is not within ltmdmobj.o.gcc3 used with gcc 3.nn compiled kernels.

It should be ignoring of an if() result after hardware query
wether the modem line is in proper condition to dial out.
It is incorrectly wired line on some boards like mine on
thinkpad a22m, and this query returns meaningless result,
causing the ATD to refuse to dial returning ERROR.

When we're at it, I asked for gcc3 version and recommendation 
to change is this:

search for 83 c4 10 84 c0 0f 85 28 ff ff ff c7 and change it to
           83 c4 10 84 c0 90 90 90 90 90 90 c7

so it seems to me that common footprint is 83 c4 10 84 c0 * c7 
where * is 2-6 bytes long and should be replaced with 90's. 

I have gcc 2.95 system so I can't test does it really work
for gcc 3 but if at+fclass=1 OK atd1234 wants to dial after
this fix (even on properly wired boards), then it should be 
considered as working.



Module usage count LEAK

    * To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: Module usage count LEAK
    * From: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 22:19:34 +0200
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * Reply-To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Sender: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


I have found the bug in module usage count. As I use
hylafax, (faxgetty started from init) and locking,
then if I want to dial manually I use
cu -l ttyLT0
This locks the /var/lock/LCK..ttyLT0, signalling the
faxgetty to release the line so cu can use it.

After cu exits, faxgetty is awaken and takes the line

But lt_serial module looses count of processes that are
useing it and
syslog message is issued like this:
kernel Warning: Port remains open at 0 (IRQ10)....

after few cu/faxgetty exchangings of control over
the ttyLT0 I get wrong usage count. If I kill all
processes using ttyLT0, it lt_serial still can't be 
rmmod'ed because it incorrectly *thinks* it is being 
used by some process:

lsmod | grep lt 

lt_serial              19616   1  (autoclean)
lt_modem              480443   0  (autoclean) [lt_serial]

I'm using irda patched (and fax dial lt_modem patched too :) 
ltmodem-8.26a but this should be problem of lt_serial.o, but
I think the same problem is with unpatched ltmoodem 8.26a too.



ltmodem initialization with 8.26 code

    * To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: ltmodem initialization with 8.26 code
    * From: marvstod <marvstod@xxxxxxx>
    * Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 07:53:25 -0400
    * Cc: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * References: <3F1047BF.6559F563@xxxxxxx> <20030712193632.GA10702@emard>
    * Sender: marv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

RE below:
> I have gcc 2.95 system so I can't test does it really work
> for gcc 3 but if at+fclass=1 OK atd1234 wants to dial after
> this fix (even on properly wired boards), then it should be
> considered as working.

Concerning dial tone acquisition under the 8.26 core Agere Systems code
compiled with gcc 3.nn,
I am now on line through wvdial using only the single modem
initialization string:
# wvdial
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.53
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: AT+FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT3019178111
--> Waiting for carrier.
CONNECT 53333 V42bis

Among you ltmodem users who have had to include in the Init string
   Stupid Mode = yes
to dial with dialtone acquisition,
whether a single Init string
improves the situation for you.
Please test and report back.

>Emard wrote:
> HI!!!
> > Thus for a permanant fix, it will suffice to unpack the
> > ltmodem-8.26a9.tar.gz compiler kit
> > # tar cvfz source.tar.gz source/
> That is excellent. Now it's permanent and builds my package
> perfectly
> >
> > The string: 83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7
> > is not within ltmdmobj.o.gcc3 used with gcc 3.nn compiled kernels.
> >
> It should be ignoring of an if() result after hardware query
> wether the modem line is in proper condition to dial out.
> It is incorrectly wired line on some boards like mine on
> thinkpad a22m, and this query returns meaningless result,
> causing the ATD to refuse to dial returning ERROR.
> When we're at it, I asked for gcc3 version and recommendation
> to change is this:
> search for 83 c4 10 84 c0 0f 85 28 ff ff ff c7 and change it to
>            83 c4 10 84 c0 90 90 90 90 90 90 c7
> so it seems to me that common footprint is 83 c4 10 84 c0 * c7
> where * is 2-6 bytes long and should be replaced with 90's.
> I have gcc 2.95 system so I can't test does it really work
> for gcc 3 but if at+fclass=1 OK atd1234 wants to dial after
> this fix (even on properly wired boards), then it should be
> considered as working.
> Emard

marvstod writes: 

> Emard 
> Don't know if it is cogent.
> But the recommended wvdial Inits are
> Init1 = ATZ
> Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0

I really tried many things there to get 8.26a9 (compiled with gcc 2.95)
working reliably in
mixed data/fax. But the first ATZ in 4 out of 10 tries will improperly
initialize the hardware settings having the manifestation that
there is no audible dialtone from the speaker  line, so detect dialtone
avoids to call of course) and
sometimes dialling succeeds, it gets carrier but after 10-20 seconds
drops the line. 

Not having ATZ is the solution for 6.00c.


Re: Problem with Lucent DSP linmodem on compaq armada M300 running Linux Mandrake 9.1

    * To: puoti <puoti@xxxxxxxxx>
    * Subject: Re: Problem with Lucent DSP linmodem on compaq armada M300 running Linux Mandrake 9.1
    * From: marvstod <marvstod@xxxxxxx>
    * Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 19:55:58 -0400
    * Cc: discuss <discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * References: <HIBXFW$89123C0D3A2052BCFE20494E23643EF1@xxxxxxxxx>
    * Sender: marv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

puoti wrote:
> The problem is that the drivers seem to install correctly (Both from source and
> RPM), I've loaded the lt_modem and lt_serial drivers, and I can get kppp to
> detect the /dev/ttySLT0 (That is a link to /dev/tts/LT0), and it says it's
> dailing the number, and the log says that the modem port sends OK messages, but
> the modem doesn't engage the line or dial the number, and in the end I get a
> message from kppp saying "no carrier", is there any possible solution to this?
> please send any answers to puoti@xxxxxxxxx
> thanks in advance for any answers, Ivan.

  It is probably not your problem, but
# mv /etc/devfs/conf.d/ltmodem  /etc/devfs/conf.d/ltmodem.conf
# killall -HUP devfsd
to re-read the /etc/devfs/ infor
Some recent devfs versions are only reading files with the .conf  ending

ALso in /usr/share/doc/ltmodem-???/DOCs/
and the following.

 The modem which you purchase locally or abroad may not be preset
 with the proper Country Code setting.  An incorrect setting can
 hinder acquisition of dial tone.
 Inclusion of an X3 (dial without wainting) in the modem Init string 
 of under wvdial, including in /etc/wvdial.conf a line
   Stupid Modem = yes
 Dialtone recognition depends on the setting of country 
 and/or local phone line equipment.

 To properly get dialtone for your country phone experiment use
 AT+GCI=xx  where xx=00..FF hex number
 Theoretically there could be 256 different countries but
 not all are valid. Tables in manuals are way off date, 
 you have to write a small script to try all combinations
 for yourself if you can't guess by chance.

 After country select you can check textual name of the country it
 For example: 

 If you can't find exact contry, choose the nearest one available.
 Nearby countries tend to have similar equipment and compatible

 These comments from:   Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

ltmodem co-maintainer


Agere Systems responds, RE: Ltmodem Fax fix,

    * To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx, discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: Agere Systems responds, RE: Ltmodem Fax fix,
    * From: "marvstod@xxxxxxx" <marvstod@xxxxxxx>
    * Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 10:35:57 -0400
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * Reply-To: marvstod@xxxxxxx

Original Message:
From: Sarkar, Soumyendu (Soumyendu) AT
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 09:45:11 -0400
To: marvstod@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Ltmodem Fax fix [Fwd: Re: ltmodem fax dial error]

Hi Marv
This is what our FAX expert has to say. On certain defective boards the line
sense for parallel (local) handset might not be properly pulled down. So we
can give a driver for such exception cases, but we cannot ignore checking
the state of the parallel handset in the base line standard driver, as that
will compromise all other modems out there which successfully detects
whether the parallel handset is in use.

Soumyendu Sarkar
Agere Systems
Holmdel, NJ

<-----Original Message-----
<From: marvstod [mailto:marvstod@xxxxxxx]
<Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2003 1:39 PM
<To: LinModems; Emard
<Subject: Ltmodem Fax fix [Fwd: Re: ltmodem fax dial error]
<RE:  how can I automatically do the desired fax patch to the lt_modem.o
<binary file ?
<Checking through the code components of the source.tar.gz,
<the hex string: 83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7
<is within binary pre-compiled at Agere Systems, ltmdmobj.o,
<which was compiled with gcc 2.95
<Thus for a permanant fix, it will suffice to unpack the
<ltmodem-8.26a9.tar.gz compiler kit
<# cd ltmodem-8.26a9
<# rm -f source/
<  if the kit has already been used
<# tar zxvf source.tar.gz
<# cp source/ltmdmobj.o source/ltmdmobj.o.gcc295
< to maintain the original
<Do the hexedit on source/ltmdmobj.o
<# tar cvfz source.tar.gz source/
<to rebuild the source.tar.gz
<Thereafter the fixed ltmdmobj.o will be during a ./build_module or
<The string: 83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7
<is not within ltmdmobj.o.gcc3 used with gcc 3.nn compiled kernels.
<Maintainer Sarkar at Agere Systems,
<could you please advise us as to any potential deleterious effects of
<the edit:
<    83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7 --> 
<    83 c4 10 84 c0 90 90 c7 
<Can a comparable edit be done in ltmdmobj.o.gcc3 ??
<-------- Original Message --------
<Subject: Re: ltmodem fax dial error
<Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 18:07:53 +0200
<From: Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
<Reply-To: emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
<References: <courier.3F0BFA9B.00005316@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
<I just received a message with the solution of the following problem
<> HI 
<> <<
<> problem when sending a fax, Fax mode - for data/fax only
<> boards, when sending a fax the input pin for local phone
<> sense is checked to see if the local phone is in off hook
<> state. On some boards, this pin is not pulled down and
<> false trigger. This prevents the driver from dialing the
<> phone number. The software is changed to always return false.
<> >>
<> I have modem/lan combo board,
<> VENDOR 0x11c1 DEVICE 0x045c Apollo 3 Mercury data/fax only,
<> Modem LAN combo board, Apollo behind an intel 82559 
<Among other haqish gibberish, he said:
<Edyt lt_modem.o wid thy HeX edytr, and l0kate 1&only1
<hegz string: 83 c4 10 84 c0 75 bd c7 
<then xhange bytez           75 bd into -> 90 90
<Gud laq weed IBM ThyNkPadz. lTm0demz r qewl buth even 
<4 myselph it sometimes b0thers N0TH 2 HEV OPEN SORCEZ
<Not exactly knowing what I'm doing, 
<I quickly installed khexedit, and as root did:
<# khexedit /lib/modules/2.4.21/ltmodem/lt_modem.o
<in search field, I entered the hex string separated by
<spaces and it found it!
<When I clicked to find another, a window popped saying
<no other string found and search from beginning again.
<So with mouse, I pointed the red cursor at byte 75
<and overwritten 75 and BD by typing 9090. It readed then
<83 c4 10 84 c0 90 90 c7
<So, expecting the worse, I rebooted... Machine loaded
<the modified lt_modem.o... did the modification work??? ...
<So immediately I connected to raw tty  
<and tried 
<atd1234  Woooooooooooooow!!! ---> Now it works, dialing happily
<then I sent several faxes with hylafax and everything is
<working perfectly, faxes are looking good at the remote end!!
<Only I wonder how can I automatically patch
<binary file so I can make some nice addition to my 
<ltmodem installation script?
<Best regards, Emard


Faxing Re: linmodem

    * To: elsteamola@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Subject: Faxing Re: linmodem
    * From: Marvin Stodolsky <marvstod@xxxxxxx>
    * Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2003 07:28:34 -0500
    * Cc: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Emard <emard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * Delivered-To: mailing list discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * Mailing-List: contact discuss-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
    * Organization: HomeBase
    * References: <200311072318.49004.elsteamola@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    * User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020623 Debian/1.0.0-0.woody.1


# wvdialconf fax.txt
if the output contains  FCLASS=0  in the line like:
IATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Then yourdrivers+modem hardware are Fax capable in principle.
Emard is our expert for FAX and may help you.
I have no experience with faxing under Linux.
Why search for cogent Debian packages returns:

 $ apt-cache search fax | grep fax
acfax - Receive faxes using your radio and sound card
tkhylafax - tk interface to hylafax
klprfax - A LPD fax frontend using efax
blinkd - Blinks keyboard LEDs e.g. for answering machine or fax
courier-faxmail - Courier Mail Server - Faxmail gateway
efax - Programs to send and receive fax messages
efax-gtk - A gtk front-end for the efax package
gfax - The GNU HaliFAX Sender
ghfaxviewer - The GNU HaliFAX Viewer
hamfax - Receive/send radio facsimile transmissions with Soundcard/PTC-II
hylafax-client - Flexible client/server fax software - client utilities
hylafax-doc - Flexible client/server fax software - HTML Documentation
hylafax-server - Flexible client/server fax software - server daemons
kfax - KDE G3/G4 Fax Viewer
lprfax - Utility to allow printing to a fax modem
mgetty-fax - Faxing tools for mgetty
mgetty-viewfax - Program for displaying Group-3 Fax files under X
qsstv - Qt-based slow-scan TV and fax

and for phones:

9$ apt-cache search phone | grep phone
gnokii - Datasuite for Nokia mobile phones (console & X)
gramofile - Transfer sound from gramophone records to CD
kandy - Mobile phone utility for KDE
phpgroupware-phonelog - The phpGroupWare phone logging module
ant-phone - An interactive ISDN telephone application
gphone - X/GTK-based internet telephone.
gsm-utils - Application to access and control a GSM mobile phone.
libgsmme1 - Library to access GSM mobile phones via modem or IrDA
ohphone - Command line H.323 client with X, SVGA and SDL support
ohphone-basic - Command line H.323 client with X support
scmxx - Exchange data with Siemens mobile phones
smssend - Utility to send SMS messages to GSM mobile phones
speaker - Tcl/Tk speaker-phone application
tipa - System for processing phonetic symbols in LaTeX
xfonts-intl-phonetic - International fonts for X -- Phonetic Alphabet
xgsmlib - Gnome application to handle mobile phone's phone book and SMS
xringd - Extended Ring Daemon - Monitor phone rings and take action.

 >gh wrote:

>Hello Marv and all:
>Please excuse me if I digress for a minute.
>You helped me install my linmodem and I've been using it almost continuously 
>since migrating to Linux about two months ago.
>While researching linmodems I remember I read something about using the modem 
>as a phone device.  Well, I'd like to know if I can use the modem to fax.  
>Can you please point me in the right direction.
>elsteamola@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	take out nospam_


fn:Giorgio Pagani
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