Hi Timm, did you take a look at the files in /proc/asound? There should be a directory called card0. Inside this directory there should be two files named "codec#0" and "codec#1". Normally "codec#1" is the modem codec. Do a `cat codec#1`. If this seems to be the modem (identified by Id), then look at the directories named pcmXY, where X is the device number and Y is either c (capture) or p (playback). Important is the device number. Normally 0 is the audio device, and the modem is 1. But it can be any other number also. Look in one of the directories with the higher number at the file named "info". It should clearly point out whether its the audio or the modem device. If you found the modem device, restart slmodemd with hw:0,X. Where X is the number from the pcmXY directory. This tells slmodemd, which sub device to use. Hope this will help you, Joern