WF Under SUSE LINUX 10.0 (i586) - Kernel Linux version 2.6.13-15.12-default with modem Class 0703: 8086:24c6 Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM Primary PCI_id 8086:24c6 Subsystem PCI_id 1025:003d Softmodem codec or Vendor from diagnostics: from Archives: SIL27, an AgereSystems type. The archival record recommends: Download from the package SLMODEMD.gcc4.tar.gz having a compiled slmodemd. Unpack under Linux with: $ tar zxf SLMODEMD.gcc4.tar.gz and read instructions therein. But briefly, the modem is setup with command: slmodemd -c USA --alsa modem:1 reporting dynamic creation of ports: /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/N , with N some number Read Smartlink.txt and Modem/YourSystem.txt for follow through guidance. However the absence of a further diagnostic ouput indicates that there may be some trouble. If so report back with the faliure info. MarvS scanModem maintainer On 1/25/07, WeitzFamily <sherdlu@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have removed my pcmia modem card to try to reduce sharing violations. Any help is appreciated. Dave _____________________________________________________________ Netscape. Just the Net You Need.