The principle is very simple.
The way to apply it depens on which X11 windows manager you use (Gnome
as I do, KDE as I never do, et...).
Using a text editor write a new file named for example wvgo
Insert these lines
sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0m
sudo slmodemd --alsa -c USA modem:1
sudo wvdial
If you named it wvgo as suggested, make it executable with
chmod a+x wvgo
Now copy it for example as
sudo cp wvgo /usr/local/bin/wvgo
So far, all that is "trivial"
If you would like to start from a terminal, you would just need to type
wvgo or possibly sudo wvgo (I am not familiar with Debian/Ubuntu
deviations from plain Linux).
But you want it to be triggered by an icon.
I can tell you for Gnome.
Right click the menu bar where you have icons
Select "Add to panel"
Select "Launcher"
Fill in what you want in the various boxes except "command" which would
be: /usr/local/bin/wvgo or possibly sudo /usr/local/bin/wvgo
Also, enable "run in terminal".
You can use that tool to select some icon, like gnome-modem.png for example.
I hope this answers your question.
David Wagler wrote:
OK, it's working now. Thanks for your patience and help.
In order to access the internet, it is now necessary to open a terminal
window, and enter these commands:
sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0m
sudo slmodemd --alsa -c USA modem:1
Then open another terminal window, and enter:
sudo wvdial
Is it possible to set something up so that clicking on an icon in the
task bar will do all this? I am pretty much of a newbie at Linux, and
will need pretty explicit instructions.
I looked at a number of posts in the Ubuntu forums, and found out how to
launch wvdial from a task bar icon, but it wasn't clear how to combine
all three commands.
Again, thanks for your help.
Jacques Goldberg wrote:
I am awfully sorry.
Overloaded with work I typed Carriage Check = no instead of
Carrier Check = no
Can you please correct, retry, and return to us if necessary?
I again apologize for this stupid mistake which I made.
David Wagler wrote:
Something still isn't right. The /etc/wvdial.conf file and the 'sudo
wvdial' terminal log are attached.
As for the "Name, password pair incorrect" message, the name and
password in /etc/wvdial.conf are the same used by my WinXP dialer.
The last set of messages repeats until the terminal window is closed.
Jacques Goldberg wrote:
First, congratulations for having read scanModem and done the right
But please let me verify one detail: have you stopped slmodemd with
CTRL-C before trying to connect? slmodemd must be left active in its
own console/terminal/window/xterm/you_name_it.
In your place, because wvdial is much better at debugging than other
dialers, I would, in an additional console, once slmodemd is
running, launch sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
If wvdialconf finds your modem, your modem works.
Then, edit the file /etc/wvdial.conf
Make sure that you have a line
Carriage Check = no
Remove the leading ; in the username, password and phone number lines.
Replace the complete placeholders ( < > suppressed!) by your
Now run sudo wvdial
and if you cannot work send us the file /etc/wvdial.conf WITH
PASSWORD ERASED and the text spilled out by the console where you
started wvdial .
Dave wrote:
I have a new Ubuntu installation in a Dell M675X laptop, and have
not been able to determine how to make the winmodem work. I ran
scanModem, and the results are attached. This is a copy of the
terminal log of what I did after looking at the results of scanModem:
dave@dave-GatewayU:~$ chmod a+x /home/dave/SLMODEMD.gcc4
dave@dave-GatewayU:~$ sudo cp /home/dave/SLMODEMD.gcc4/slmodemd
dave@dave-GatewayU:~$ find /usr -name slmodemd
dave@dave-GatewayU:~$ sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0m
dave@dave-GatewayU:~$ sudo slmodemd --alsa -c USA modem:1
SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar 13 2006 18:27:33
symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/2' created.
modem `modem:1' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/2'
Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
Upon navigating to the Modem connection Interface properties window
and clicking the _A_utodetect button, no modem can be found. If
the modem port is set to /dev/ttySL0, the modem connection cannot
be activated. If the modem port is set to /dev/ttyS0, the modem
connection can be activated, but the ISP is still not dialed.
What have I not done or done wrong?