Re: Hidden widgets in dialog.

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The ui file is used for both, Impress and Draw. The code in sd/source/ui/dlg/tpoption.cxx has a method SetDrawMode() where some controls are hidden and others shown, including these weird info fields. You cannot just remove it, unfortunately.

On 10.02.25 6:17 PM, Olivier Hallot wrote:
Thanks Ilmari for the confirmation.

It looks it has been superseded by the Glade XML engine and is now dead code. I suggest to remove this as an EasyHack. Do you agree?


On 2/10/25 13:40, Ilmari Lauhakangas wrote:
On 10.2.2025 18.15, Olivier Hallot wrote:

I was revisiting Help pages for Impress/Draw Options General page and had a look in Glade. I found widgets I don't know how to make them appear, as in the attached image.

The widgets are below the "Drawing scale" label ( Page width, Page Height, info 1 and info2).

Can someone shed some light on their purpose and how to make them show up?

git log -S"info1" sd/uiconfig/simpress/ui/optimpressgeneralpage.ui

lead me to commit/6a80a5ae710a7f9357534ad890dffe5391af709b
Convert impress and draw general option to .ui


git log -S"FI_INFO_1" 6a80a5ae710a7f9357534ad890dffe5391af709b -- sd/ source/ ui/dlg/tpoption.src

lead me to bad806f36d4a3f05f6b2f7ff0095a6934934077b
#85672# Scaling TabPage removed

which added those mysterious items. Luckily the commit is by Oliver Specht, who surely remembers why he did this 24 years ago :)


Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Architect and UI-Designer
Tel: +49 30 5557992-63 | Mail: heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Document Foundation, Winterfeldtstraße 52, 10781 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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