Hi all, Am 12.09.24 um 19:21 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
Hi all, with the current patches LibreOffice didn't build on openSUSE 15.6 anymore. There is an issue with the aclocal inside of harfbuzz. This software seemed to be compiled against aclocal-1.16.5. I got only a version 1.15 listed from the SUSE repos. The error message that I got from building LibO today: libreoffice/workdir/UnpackedTarball/harfbuzz/missing: Zeile 81: aclocal-1.16: Kommando nicht gefunden. WARNING: 'aclocal-1.16' is missing on your system. Any hints to fix this and get LibO building again.
I found a solution myself. I had to use the system harfbuzz. I did this by adding: --with-system-harfbuzz --with-system-graphite the autogen.input file. The latter option is necessary, if you use the system harfbuzz. Regards, Andreas -- ## Free Software Advocate ## Free Online Office (LibreOffice Technology): ## https://github.com/freeonlineoffice/online ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog