Hi, Am 23.07.24 um 04:40 schrieb Celia Palacios:
Hello, I'm Celia Palacios, a member of LibreOffice community, and very new to distro packaging of LibreOffice in Arch. I was directed to this list because I want to know how to resolve the Java dependencies for (Base) Report Builder in Arch. I ask for support to understand how to build the PKGBUILD file accordingly.
You package the libraries in their correct order. and then enable the RB and specifiy the --with-whatever-jar options if needed. Did that back then when it was introduced and then let it go instead of emergency fixes (Not even updating the version...) :) Don't remember the order offhand but should be visible from e.g. Debians packages and their (Build-)Depends.
he actual Arch dev is maintaining the LibreOffice packages without the report builder included, because there is an "ugly tree of dependencies" (sic)[1] of Java that makes it difficult to compile in order to have the complete features of LibreOffice.
In Arch's PKGBUILD I found that they pull jfreereport. [2]
What is missing then? (Didn't look)
In rpm's Fedora and Flatpak, I found they pull |pentaho-reporting-flow-engine. [3] | |In openSUSE, they pull pentaho-libxml and pentaho-reporting-flow-engine. [4] |
|pentaho-reporting-flow-engine basically is a "newer" jfreereport, renamed (see above). That's also why LO calls it jfreereport.| |And libxml (amongst others) is used by that.| Ideally this stuff shouldn't use that Java library tree, though, but *shrugs*. |Regards,| | | |Rene |