On 29.9.2023 4.16, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
Hi there,
I just upgraded on the master branch the orcus library to the latest
version of 0.19.0. This version includes an experimental support for
Apache Parquet format import, but it relies on an external library
called Apache Arrow[1]. The support for this file format is disabled in
the libreoffice build.
To enable support for Parquet, we would need to also build the Apache
Arrow library and its dependency libraries, all of which use CMake as
their build systems.
Now, it's my understanding that we still don't support use of CMake to
build our external libraries. My question is, what do people think of
adding support for CMake in our build system? Would that be too much
effort and not worth it, or would it be worthwhile to add support for
it, but so far it has not been anybody's priority, or ... ?
Please let me know what your opinions are.
As an aside, if someone wants to try out this experimental parquet
import filter, one can build orcus independently with
--with-parquet-filter passed to configure after also having built the
apache arrow library, apply this change
then build libreoffice with --with-system-orcus. Then you should be
able to simply open a parquet file and Calc should open.
[1] https://github.com/apache/arrow
I would be happy to see work on Meson support continue and its CMake
module should solve what you propose.
"It also supports the usage of CMake based subprojects"