Greetings, I am trying to follow the instructions at "Development/BuildingForAndroid" <>;. The step `make install` failed with messages (lines rewrapped). * Where: Build file '/home/terry/lo_hacking/git/android/android/source/build.gradle' line: 3 * What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating root project 'source'. Could not read script '/home/terry/lo_hacking/git/android/android/source/liboSettings.gradle' as it does not exist. and Task failed with an exception. ----------- * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root project 'source'. compileSdkVersion is not specified. Please add it to build.gradle Christian Lohmaier has written <> that a toplevel make will create the file. I had just done a toplevel make, but after another one, 'make install` failed similarly. In build.gradle, line 3 is apply from: 'liboSettings.gradle' I am building on debian-sid, and my autogen.input, minus comments, is --enable-option-checking=fatal --with-vendor=Terrence Enger --with-external-tar=/home/terry/lo_hacking/git/src --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=i686-linux-android --with-android-sdk=/home/terry/Android/Sdk --with-android-ndk=/home/terry/Android/Sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653 --with-android-api-level=21 --enable-dbgutil --with-theme=colibre --disable-zxing and I have set envvar ANDROID_HOME=/home/terry/Android/Sdk Any advice or guidance is welcome. Thank you, all, for your attention. Terry.