Hi Miklos,
Miklos Vajna schrieb am 27.07.2022 um 11:18:
Hi Regina,
On Sun, Jul 24, 2022 at 11:59:28PM +0200, Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I know that the calculation of moTextOffFoo values in transform2dcontext is
correct in principle. But I am very unhappy with calculating the position
and size of the required text area rectangle by hand using the preset
geometry. I have now done this for the shape types that I know are in the
preset SmartArts. But the user can also exchange these shapes with others in
the UI of MS Office. So the calculation of the text area rectangle would
have to be done for all preset shapes. That's why I'm looking for another
Briefly reading presetShapeDefinitions.xml from the OOXML spec, the
calculation of the text rectangle seems to be part of the preset, so
it's not something you can calculate in general.
The text rectangle often uses guide values, indeed.
At that point I have the type of the shape and know position, size and
adjustment values. If I had a ready CustomShape, I could get the needed text
area rectangle with the method getTextBounds(). But in
transform2dcontext.cxx there is no CustomShape. Or do I miss something?
In the meantime I have tried to get a CustomShape from an XShape. But
that gives a nullptr.
Is there any way to make such a shape temporarily so that you can use
getTextBounds()? Or maybe someone has another idea how to get the text area
rectangle from type, position, size and adjustment values?
Other preset data is generated from the spec, the generated result is at
oox/source/drawingml/customshapes/oox-drawingml-cs-presets. Would it be
possible to include the text rectangle information in that file as well?
The text rectangle information is already there. It is in "Path". "Path"
contains "Coordinates", "Segments" and "TextFrames".
Failing that, if we have this information in svx/ for custom shape
instances, then seprating this functionality into a function that you
can call from oox/ sounds reasonable. I just fear that OOXML has much
more preset types compared to the old binary formats, and perhaps svx/
preset data represents what was the feature set of binary formats.
The calculations in svx are made by EnhancedCustomShape2d. But that
needs in its ctor a SdrObjCustomShape. The calculations in
EnhancedCustomShape2d works for OOXML-shapes too. It takes care of
svg:viewBox="0 0 0 0" and subview, which is used by OOXML-shapes.
The calculations need "Segments" and "Equations", but the
oox::drawingml::Shape has at that time only mnShapePresetType in its
I think, that separating the functionality is not possible, because the
ctor of EnhancedCustomShape2d makes heavy use of the SdrObjCustomShape.
So if I get "Segments", "Equations" and "TextFrames" from
oox-drawingml-cs-presets somehow, I would need to rewrite the functions
using EnhancedCustomShape2d as kind of template.
Considering the effort involved, it probably makes more sense to wait
and see if users complain. The predefined diagrams work in Impress. And
the time is surely better spent to find out why the shapes of a diagram
are missing in Calc and why size and position are wrong in Writer.
I was only hoping that someone knows something that is unknown to me as
an amateur developer.
Kind regards,