On 2/6/22 16:53, Miklos Vajna wrote:
* Under-loved areas of the codebase (Michael M)
+ got plenty of good feedback (Caolan)
+ got lots of a11y feedback, want to summarize in the wiki
+ RTL summary for the wiki will be added (Hossein)
+ X-Forms feature is under-loved too
+ some people might use it and care (Miklos)
+ I added a list of commits per module (Michael)
+ is there a bugs/LOC metric ?
I added a couple of files to
with some stats
* First file is pretty similar to Michael's but only counts the
commits with a reference to a Bugzilla ticket in their message
* Second file contains some data from Bugzilla about bugs reported
in 2021 and their current status ( open, fixed or other )
if needed, I can get other type of information from Bugzilla.
I hope it helps.
Xisco Faulí
LibreOffice QA Team
IRC: x1sc0