forget the crash video add it
di liu <disco.liu@xxxxxxxxx> 于2022年4月27日周三 15:23写道:
Hi,There has a crash error when i use libreoffice in android which is compiled from the source code.The development information:the libreoffice branch is master(update when a write this mail)phone information:android sdk : 29(android 10)brand:HUAWEI HMI-AL100ram:6Gscreen:2244x1080The triggering scenario for this error:This error appears more frequently when load xlsx file(load other file also happen).when l load xlsx file and zoom in the document then slide up and down quickly (the video in the accessorias) the app will be crashed suddenly.the full error log is below2022-04-27 14:17:46.736 1523-2407/? E/ProcessInfoCollector: getProcessInfo: failed to find this proc.
2022-04-27 14:17:46.748 27142-27142/? E/.huawei.hitouc: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
2022-04-27 14:17:46.837 27142-27142/? E/MLInitializerProvider: MLInitializerProvider Done
2022-04-27 14:17:46.903 27142-27158/? E/TouchPolicyHelper: activity is empty.
2022-04-27 14:17:46.949 1073-1436/? E/ScreemCommon: fail to extract lcd fps mode!
2022-04-27 14:17:51.488 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [rfboard] tempNew :27 tempOld :26
2022-04-27 14:17:51.488 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [rfboard] temp :27 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:17:51.490 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [ap] tempNew :30 tempOld :29
2022-04-27 14:17:51.491 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [ap] temp :30 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:17:52.233 1037-4076/? E/Thermal-daemon:ambient: UpdateAmbientInformation: devCurrent 519, last_avg_current -332, clear history input array
2022-04-27 14:17:56.034 2524-3150/? E/DeviceMonitorPowerKit: not Satify ApplyResource
2022-04-27 14:17:56.492 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [charger_ic] tempNew :29 tempOld :28
2022-04-27 14:17:56.492 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [charger_ic] temp :29 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:17:57.235 1037-4076/? E/Thermal-daemon:ambient: UpdateAmbientInformation: is first history!!
2022-04-27 14:18:00.015 2288-2288/? E/DateView: DateView,mCurrentTime: 1651040280015
2022-04-27 14:18:00.060 2288-2288/? E/ndroid.systemu: No package ID ff found for ID 0xffffffff.
2022-04-27 14:18:00.066 2288-2288/? E/ndroid.systemu: No package ID ff found for ID 0xffffffff.
2022-04-27 14:18:01.495 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [ap] tempNew :31 tempOld :30
2022-04-27 14:18:01.496 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [ap] temp :31 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:18:02.239 1037-4076/? E/Thermal-daemon:ambient: UpdateAmbientInformation: devCurrent -192, last_avg_current 509, clear history input array
2022-04-27 14:18:06.499 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [ap] tempNew :30 tempOld :31
2022-04-27 14:18:06.500 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [ap] temp :30 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:18:07.243 1037-4076/? E/Thermal-daemon:ambient: UpdateAmbientInformation: is first history!!
2022-04-27 14:18:11.500 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [shell_frame] tempNew :29 tempOld :28
2022-04-27 14:18:11.501 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [shell_frame] temp :29 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:18:12.247 1037-4076/? E/Thermal-daemon:ambient: UpdateAmbientInformation: devCurrent 488, last_avg_current -164, clear history input array
2022-04-27 14:18:12.770 1523-2109/? E/WifiConnectivityManager: isWifiScanSpecialChannels is false,mWifiState : 2
2022-04-27 14:18:12.790 2561-3446/? E/AppInfoMgr: not find pkgs by uid: 1010
2022-04-27 14:18:14.134 15441-17199/ E/LibreOffice/androidinst: SalAbort: 'Unspecified application error'
2022-04-27 14:18:14.202 1523-2109/? E/SupplicantStaNetworkHal: createHalCallback is called !
2022-04-27 14:18:14.241 17732-17732/? E/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: ssid->assoc_retry=0
2022-04-27 14:18:14.241 17732-17732/? E/wpa_supplicant: wpas_vendor_send_abs_cmd_to_driver: abs is not enabled
2022-04-27 14:18:14.248 1523-1523/? E/HwWifiStateMachine_PAC: unknown state
2022-04-27 14:18:14.264 1523-17185/? E/WifiPermissionsUtil: getUidPermission is DENIED and permissionType android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATIONuid 1002
2022-04-27 14:18:14.264 1523-17185/? E/WifiService: enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 1002 has no location permission
2022-04-27 14:18:14.271 2503-2799/? E/NcDftImpl: NcChipDftEvent igonred eventId:NcChipDftEvent{Id=1180420, Length=0, Flag=1}total:1631
2022-04-27 14:18:14.273 1523-2196/? E/SupplicantStaIfaceHal: ISupplicantStaIface.getApVendorInfo failed: {.code = FAILURE_UNKNOWN, .debugMessage = }
2022-04-27 14:18:14.316 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: convertSubIdToSlotId failed, subId:0, slotId:-1
2022-04-27 14:18:14.316 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: getDefaultDataSlotId failed, invalid slotId:-1, subId:0
2022-04-27 14:18:14.316 2433-2915/? E/BroadcastProxy: isDataOn failed, invalid slotId=-1
2022-04-27 14:18:14.327 2503-2799/? E/NcDftImpl: NcChipDftEvent igonred eventId:NcChipDftEvent{Id=1180420, Length=0, Flag=1}total:1632
2022-04-27 14:18:14.334 2712-2994/? E/HSM_BG- SmartControlDbOpenHelper:queryInfo catch exception with SmartControlRecordTable
2022-04-27 14:18:14.339 2712-2994/? E/SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting UNIQUE constraint failed: SmartControlRecordTable.packageName, SmartControlRecordTable.callerPackageName, SmartControlRecordTable.startupResult, SmartControlRecordTable.timeOfDay (Sqlite code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE), (OS error - 2:No such file or directory)
2022-04-27 14:18:14.453 1523-2109/? E/SupplicantStateTracker: Ignoring { when=-36ms what=147499$SmHandler }
2022-04-27 14:18:14.466 1523-27540/? E/WifiPermissionsUtil: getUidPermission is DENIED and permissionType android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATIONuid 1002
2022-04-27 14:18:14.466 1523-27540/? E/WifiService: enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 1002 has no location permission
2022-04-27 14:18:14.618 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: convertSubIdToSlotId failed, subId:0, slotId:-1
2022-04-27 14:18:14.618 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: getDefaultDataSlotId failed, invalid slotId:-1, subId:0
2022-04-27 14:18:14.618 2433-2915/? E/BroadcastProxy: isDataOn failed, invalid slotId=-1
2022-04-27 14:18:14.718 1523-2080/? E/InputDispatcher: channel 'b8cf371 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
2022-04-27 14:18:14.740 1523-2080/? E/ZrHung.AppEyeFocusWindow: NFW check!
2022-04-27 14:18:14.759 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: convertSubIdToSlotId failed, subId:0, slotId:-1
2022-04-27 14:18:14.759 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: getDefaultDataSlotId failed, invalid slotId:-1, subId:0
2022-04-27 14:18:14.852 1523-2080/? E/InputDispatcher: channel 'b884a51 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
2022-04-27 14:18:14.868 2433-18818/? E/HsmCoreServiceImpl: onTransact in code is: 102
2022-04-27 14:18:14.873 2561-4828/? E/AwareLog: Stub: processProcessDied has not been overridden!
2022-04-27 14:18:14.875 2433-3477/? E/Hicom_PolicyCenter: remove bind rules with uid = 10316have no policy
2022-04-27 14:18:14.876 2433-3477/? E/Hicom_PolicyCenter: handleAppDied. multipathPolicy
2022-04-27 14:18:14.879 2433-30547/? E/DollieActivityManagerAdapter: HwActivityNotifierEx null uid
2022-04-27 14:18:14.885 1523-10511/? E/HwActivityTaskManagerServiceEx: invalid ActivityRecord, error.
2022-04-27 14:18:14.885 1523-10511/? E/HwActivityTaskManagerServiceEx: parse activity info error.
2022-04-27 14:18:14.909 2433-2915/? E/DollieAdapterService: notifyActivityState state:20 fg:false mUid:10316
2022-04-27 14:18:14.910 2433-2915/? E/NetworkQoe: sendModemParaCollecEnable invalid defaultDataSlotId=-1
2022-04-27 14:18:14.913 25567-25567/? E/HiBoard_11.0.27.300_IntelligentApplication: application is onTrimMemory level 80
2022-04-27 14:18:14.913 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: convertSubIdToSlotId failed, subId:0, slotId:-1
2022-04-27 14:18:14.913 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: getDefaultDataSlotId failed, invalid slotId:-1, subId:0
2022-04-27 14:18:14.913 2433-2915/? E/BroadcastProxy: isDataOn failed, invalid slotId=-1
2022-04-27 14:18:14.914 2433-2915/? E/SmartDualCardConfig: isAppInBlackList false,items==null
2022-04-27 14:18:14.915 1523-1707/? E/system_server: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
2022-04-27 14:18:14.941 25600-25600/? E/HiBoard_11.0.27.300_IntelligentApplication: application is onTrimMemory level 80
2022-04-27 14:18:14.969 1523-2407/? E/ProcessInfoCollector: getProcessInfo: failed to find this proc.
2022-04-27 14:18:15.192 27215-27215/? E/e.dike.ldoffic: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x8000
2022-04-27 14:18:15.252 2433-3477/? E/Hicom_PolicyCenter: handleAppStarted. multipathPolicy is null
2022-04-27 14:18:15.277 27215-27248/ E/AwareLog: AtomicFileUtils: readFileLines file not exist: android.util.AtomicFile@eda1bf6
2022-04-27 14:18:15.312 1042-1064/? E/AwareLog: iawared: GetFileContent open /proc/27252/task/27254/cpuset fail errno(2)!
2022-04-27 14:18:15.382 2433-2915/? E/DollieAdapterService: notifyActivityState state:2 fg:true mUid:10316
2022-04-27 14:18:15.384 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: convertSubIdToSlotId failed, subId:0, slotId:-1
2022-04-27 14:18:15.384 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: getDefaultDataSlotId failed, invalid slotId:-1, subId:0
2022-04-27 14:18:15.384 2433-2915/? E/NetworkQoe: sendModemParaCollecEnable invalid defaultDataSlotId=-1
2022-04-27 14:18:15.385 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: convertSubIdToSlotId failed, subId:0, slotId:-1
2022-04-27 14:18:15.385 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: getDefaultDataSlotId failed, invalid slotId:-1, subId:0
2022-04-27 14:18:15.385 2433-2915/? E/BroadcastProxy: isDataOn failed, invalid slotId=-1
2022-04-27 14:18:15.388 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: convertSubIdToSlotId failed, subId:0, slotId:-1
2022-04-27 14:18:15.388 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: getDefaultDataSlotId failed, invalid slotId:-1, subId:0
2022-04-27 14:18:15.388 2433-2915/? E/BroadcastProxy: isDataOn failed, invalid slotId=-1
2022-04-27 14:18:15.389 2433-2915/? E/SmartDualCardConfig: isAppInBlackList false,items==null
2022-04-27 14:18:15.390 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: convertSubIdToSlotId failed, subId:0, slotId:-1
2022-04-27 14:18:15.390 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: getDefaultDataSlotId failed, invalid slotId:-1, subId:0
2022-04-27 14:18:15.390 2433-2915/? E/BroadcastProxy: isDataOn failed, invalid slotId=-1
2022-04-27 14:18:15.392 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: convertSubIdToSlotId failed, subId:0, slotId:-1
2022-04-27 14:18:15.392 2433-2915/? E/BoosterUtil: getDefaultDataSlotId failed, invalid slotId:-1, subId:0
2022-04-27 14:18:15.406 1523-9547/? E/ZrHung.AppEyeFocusWindow: cancel check
2022-04-27 14:18:15.411 27215-27246/ E/Parcel: Reading a NULL string not supported here.
2022-04-27 14:18:15.583 1523-1707/? E/WindowManager: win=Window{b175099 u0 Splash Screen EXITING} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=true win.mRemoveOnExit=true
2022-04-27 14:18:16.504 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [pa_0] tempNew :29 tempOld :28
2022-04-27 14:18:16.505 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [pa_0] temp :29 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:18:16.506 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [ap] tempNew :31 tempOld :30
2022-04-27 14:18:16.506 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [ap] temp :31 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:18:17.249 1037-4076/? E/Thermal-daemon:ambient: UpdateAmbientInformation: is first history!!
2022-04-27 14:18:17.251 1037-4076/? E/Thermal-daemon:ambient: UpdateAmbientInformation: devCurrent -285, last_avg_current 488, clear history input array
2022-04-27 14:18:18.492 1523-2054/? E/AwareLog: AwareMem_MemoryUtils: trim Memory illegal arg exception, proc:15441 userId:-2 level:40 fromAware:true
2022-04-27 14:18:22.255 1037-4076/? E/Thermal-daemon:ambient: UpdateAmbientInformation: is first history!!
2022-04-27 14:18:26.512 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [ap] tempNew :30 tempOld :31
2022-04-27 14:18:26.513 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [ap] temp :30 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:18:32.268 1037-4076/? E/Thermal-daemon:ambient: AmbientSample: write temp 23937 to ambient node
2022-04-27 14:18:36.034 2524-3150/? E/DeviceMonitorPowerKit: not Satify ApplyResource
2022-04-27 14:18:44.508 2712-3387/? E/HSM_BG- SmartControlDbOpenHelper:queryInfo catch exception with SmartControlRecordTable
2022-04-27 14:18:44.511 2712-3387/? E/SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting UNIQUE constraint failed: SmartControlRecordTable.packageName, SmartControlRecordTable.callerPackageName, SmartControlRecordTable.startupResult, SmartControlRecordTable.timeOfDay (Sqlite code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE), (OS error - 2:No such file or directory)
2022-04-27 14:18:46.522 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [shell_frame] tempNew :28 tempOld :29
2022-04-27 14:18:46.523 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [shell_frame] temp :28 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:18:46.526 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: [ap] tempNew :29 tempOld :30
2022-04-27 14:18:46.526 1037-1037/? E/Thermal-daemon:hw_thermal: Report temperature: [ap] temp :29 reportThreshold:1
2022-04-27 14:18:56.034 2524-3150/? E/DeviceMonitorPowerKit: not Satify ApplyResourceWhat i have try:I think the key point log E/LibreOffice/androidinst: SalAbort: 'Unspecified application error'so i searched this message in the source code and finally found it's in this method: "vcl/source/app/salplug.cxx -> void SalAbort( const OUString& rErrorText, bool bDumpCore )"And i search the method 'SalAbort' to found out the possible invoke chains.But when i reached method "void Desktop::Exception(ExceptionCategory nCategory)" in "desktop/source/app/app.cxx" which i think is most possibly invoke point trigger this crash. But unfortunately i have not found who invoke this method. I want to use gdb to debug but when i try to compile a new so which contain needed symbols and debug info i meet a link error again(clang++ error:unable to execute command Killed) which i think cause by low memory of my computer,But i can't change it...So could you give me some suggestions how to solve this errortks