Hi Pedro, Some great grist for easy-hacks here I hope: We should prolly fix the consistency things to avoid functionality loss between classic & notebookbar soonish. Some of the new dialogs will need core work to make them async; others are just dialog-less uno commands. Can you file all of these chopped up whatever way you like, and (I guess) Nick might be interested in some of the dialog async'ing bits. Thanks ! Michael. Consistency: Writer Split Cells – add it to the Classic Mode UI (already in notebookbar) Calc: Insert: Named-range or expression – not in notebookbar but in classic. Calc: Insert text box – not in classic – but in notebookbar: NB. test it heavily! Calc: Format row/column – height/width/optimal height etc. → in classic not NB. Calc: Print Ranges → not in Notebookbar Calc: Insert - Define / named Ranges in NB. Calc: Data → Define Range missing in NB Lowest hanging fruit: Writer: Format→ Name & Description → key for a11y – trivial dialogs. Calc: Format → Description → key for a11y / alt tags suspected. Calc: Insert Formatting Mark drop-down (?) - if we want to … Writer Tables Protect & un-protect cells: no UI just a cmd. Merge Table command Split table dialog and Number Format dialog (?) Calc → Paste Special → menu: of options needs to prompt for a Ctrl-V afterwards Calc: View → Value Highlighting + Show Formula + View (all) Comments. Calc: Insert Field → sheet name, document-title (NB. test heavily). Calc cell protection: Tools → Protect sheet – 1x dialog + password for editing. Tools → Protect spreadsheet structure Edit → Protect cell check-box/button Writer sidebar: no text shadow effect vs. PC / desktop. Context menus: Calc: cell right-click insert/delete cells + 2x dialogs Calc: right-click – insert-comment Calc: right-click on image → Original Size Edit Hyperlink Name + Description Calc: right-click on Shape Position, size, Line Area dialog Alig Objecs / flip Edit Hyperlink Needs / likes: Writer: right-click → Table Properties, Image Properties, Floating Frame properties style sidebar gallery sidebar Repeat item … Calc: Data → Consolidate -- michael.meeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <><, GM Collabora Productivity Hangout: mejmeeks@xxxxxxxxx, Skype: mmeeks (M) +44 7795 666 147 - timezone usually UK / Europe