That's great ! There is no link error when i execute the command 'make distclean' and make all dynamic files(.so) used to android.But i think i should spend more time on makefile to make it clear how does the process work.
Thank you very much for your help.
Michael Weghorn <m.weghorn@xxxxxxxxx> 于2022年3月4日周五 20:06写道:
On 04/03/2022 12.37, Michael Weghorn wrote:
> It's not really clear to me what "he green color option" refers to, but
> if that refers to the change of adding the '--no-check-certificate'
> option for wget, that should actually be unrelated.
OK, had I enabled HTML rendering for the email, it would have been clear
that the '--no-check-certificate' option was actually meant, sorry for
the noise...