I have been looking at what would be needed to support charts using a logarithm axis with a base different from 10.
It is already supported by the LogarithmicScaling object and
using the API it is already possible to generate a chart with a
log axis in a different base, so it is only lacking the
configuration UI and read/write files. I have two questions about
- It seems there is currently no explicit support in ODF, but it
is coming in ODF 1.4: I saw a discussion regarding this in https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-3936,
but I am not sure about the expected behavior and the key part
has been converted to a smiley. Is the idea to write "log(2)" or
"0.30102999566398114" for the interval-major attribute? The
second is what is already possible and done today (see for
but if we want a nicer UI and offer to configure "2" or "10" or
whatever, does it mean we need to check if the interval-major
value looks like the log of an integer?
- Regarding Office Open XML, it is supported and LibreOffice does retrieve a value mofLogBase in oox, but I did not find how to create a LogarithmicScaling with an argument to provide the base (or modify it once created). The object is created today with "LogarithmicScaling::create( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );", how can I pass an argument on top of it?