> (A bug report would be a good start in any way with proper STR) See for instance https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103157 and the bugs it points to. The full-screen concept in LO and how it is or isn't connected to a full-screen concept on each windowing environment is a mess. The core problem is that the macOS concept of "full-screen" is not a state that LibreOffice would have any API for. (Just expanding the window to be as large as possible is not the same thing.) LibreOffice has its own separate full-screen concept, with its own UI to get out of it. Ideally, that should not exist on macOS but instead the system full-screen concept should be used. (Differently on each windowing system, and probably on Linux differently on GNOME and KDE, for instance.) But it is tedious work to implement and nobody has been interested/funded to do it. And probably the LO UX people would want to be involved, too. There was a quick and dirty attempt to take the macOS real full-screen thing into use many years ago (2014 or so) but it was buggy and was reverted. (That attempt is what the above meta-bug's initial comment refers to with "as currently implemented".) --tml