Rosemarie Haberecht kirjoitti 25.8.2020 klo 12.35:
we plan to use Libre-Office.
Requirements for Libre-Office are:
- internal RDF Metadata tag logic/visualization in layout
- a status bar, a task pane and a customized menu, as well as key
- a status bar: arranging buttons
- a task pane: arranging GUI for the visualization of additional
attributes for a metadata object customized
menus for quick functions
- Key combinations for ingest and tagging functions
Now we ask ourselves the question which parts of the requirement can be
done where?
Kernel - visualization of the tags, interface to access the metadata objects
Plugin - Taskpane extension?
Extension - Addon when is what used, is it the same?
Macros - Basic internal macro functions controllable via menu
Does anyone have experience in clarifying the terminology first and then
specifying the requirement more precisely?
We developers would be very happy to work together with other developers.
The possibility on honorar basis exists.
Customisation of menus and keyboard shortcuts is possible. The other
things you listed sound like they should be implemented as extensions
(if possible). Have you studied the topic: ?
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