Those emails Gerrit sends out about new changes, starting like
I would like you to review the following patch from Stephan Bergmann:
To pull it, you can do:
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/93/86993/1
external/pdfium: C++20 comparison operator fix
no longer include the URL of the change. (It only appears in the footer,
To view, visit
To unsubscribe, or for help writing mail filters, visit
if you scroll all the way down there.)
But current
still contains
I would like you to review the following patch by $
To pull it, you can do:
git pull ssh://$email.sshHost/$projectName $patchSet.refName
(Oh, now that I spot the "patch from" vs. "patch by" difference, it is
obvious that those mails are not using the templates specified by the
gerrit-etc repo?)
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