On 10.01.20 18:09, David Johnson wrote:
The environment I work in:
Ubuntu 19.10
The LibreOffice SDK requires a path to a LibreOffice installation:
"*OFFICE_HOME*: Path to an existing LibreOffice installation, e.g.
"/opt/libreoffice8". Be sure that it is not a user installation only."
My question: can I use the LibreOffice that is in the Ubuntu repository
for this purpose?
In other words, will the following suffice:
$ sudo apt-get install libreoffice
and then I tried to find the installation directory, which seems to be:
yes and no.
if you install the SDK from Ubuntu repository too then you have to use
the Ubuntu libreoffice package. i'm not sure what it's called; in Fedora
it's "libreoffice-sdk".
if you install the SDK from TDF upstream packages you have to install
LibreOffice from TDF upstream packages.
Is this adequate? Or is this "only a user installation"?
i'm not sure what "user installation" refers to here, but possibly it is
the user configuration directory, cf. soffice -env:UserInstallation=...
If it is not adequate, what is the most efficient way to install a
"non-user" version of LibreOffice on my machine? Should that be done
manually (compiling from source for example?) Or can I make use of other
standard packages in the Ubuntu repository? Or...?
Thank you so much.
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