Hi Jim,
Jim Raykowski schrieb am 27-Jan-19 um 02:17:
Greetings All,
Trying to make header and footer background images redisplay on opening.
I noticed draw:fill="bitmap" in style:header-footer-properties in a
.fodt test file.
<style:header-footer-properties fo:min-height="0in"
fo:margin-bottom="0.1965in" draw:fill="bitmap" style:repeat="repeat"
If draw:fill="bitmap" is removed the image shows in the header on
reopen. When not removed blue background fill is shown.
Is draw:fill="bitmap" needed?
There must not be attribute draw:fill="bitmap" nor the other associated
draw:fill... at all. The attribute style:repeat is invalid too.
In ODF 1.2 only the attribute fo:background-color (20.175) and the child
element <style:background-image> (17.3) are allowed in
<style:header-footer-properties> (17.5).
In ODF 1.2 extended such attributes would be allowed, but must have a
private namespace like 'loext'.
Try validator https://odfvalidator.org/
and look into spec
Another example of implementing things without considering how they are
correctly reflected in fill format.
Kind regards
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