Minutes of the ESC call 2019-01-10

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* Present:
    + Sophie, Olivier, Michael W, Michael M, Miklos, Kendy, Stephan
      Michael S, Caolan, Thorsten, Christian, Heiko, Justin, Eike

* Completed Action Items:

* Pending Action Items:
    + send code pointers to Olivier on UNO commands ↔ UI XML mapping (Kendy)
    + work with Mert to build an android l10n plan (Christian)
      [ didn’t connect with him yet ]
    + mail BoD wrt. MS store update (Christian)
    + add screenshot builder to basic build stats (Christian)
      [ it fails with Japanese locale – but it’s not in the translation
        can build with all of these – and build runs fine, but with just
        ja it fails – needs further research  ]

* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 6.1.5 RC1 – tagged next week ...
    + 6.2 RC 2 – due week 3 ? – Jan 17th
      + tagged Tuesday evening – builds on the mirror network now
      + libreoffice-6-2-0 branch created
      + still require 1 review for libreoffice-6-2
      + and another 2 reviews for libreoffice-6-2-0
      + Late Features
         + red-lining paragraph attribute re-work (Michael S)
            + looking pretty solid; all in.
            + so far – just 1 bug from the Word file-format;
              forgot to adapt the filter → fix for RC3 if +1 review.
               + will take a look at the patch (Miklos)
            → considers it done (Thorsten)
         + Notebookbar → any update wrt. leaving enabled (Heiko)
            + decided to enable – and see if there are complaints.
            + not so many so far; some issues with l10n
               + German & other langs longer than English l10n
                  + makes things bigger potentially in one variant.
                  + relevant for all variants with strings when you turn it on
                  + compact variants don’t have this issue.
            => ship with it and see what happens.
               + marketing is happy with promoting it.
               + not a problem for now, but think it through in future (Sophie)
                  + could introduce a shorter label in the commands (Heiko)
                     + but a terrible solution
                     + or comment to l10n that name should be short (Sophie)
         + Updated Elementary icons (Heiko)
           + directional issues fixed even for 6.2 (a bug)
    + Remotes
    + Android viewer
      + will provide a new version to the app store but no up-loaded yet.
    + Online

* Project / Donate popups in stable (Justin Luth)
    + unhappy with annoying popups for get-involved & donate for several reasons
       + open-source desparation / EOL signifier ?
       + eg. Wikipedia – EOL ? (Heiko)
    + security things: ignore adverts in E-mail / popups etc.
       + if LibreOffice starts up – get an advert …
       + don’t follow it – didn’t start it to investigate it
          + do own searching with google instead.
       + different classes of people: who would want to see it ?
          + no user would ask for this.
          + would like to see it die.
       + made me question / want to quit.
    + point quite clear in Bugzilla – can disable toolbars fine.
      + also against infobars from a user-perspective (Heiko)
         + decided in TDF team - rely on donations
         + need to draw more attention.
         + download from an app-store, who never see our download page.
             + where we encourage people to donate.
         + project relies heavily on this; a good balance
             + 1 click to dismiss in exchange.
         + fully agree it is annoying.
      + correlation between download updater & donations in the past (Michael)
    + potential compromises
      + leave it in for fresh, not stable.
      + one problem – not targetted at all
      + in the debug version → “please get involved” is annoying.
         + concern. wrt. Amateurish.
      + the fresh people you want to target more anyway.
      + am a sysadmin for 30 machines
         + end-users are prolly more of a drain wrt get-involved.
      + created the extension – but had to create it; took 3 hrs.
         + despite being the guy who wrote the wiki page on this.
         + lots of work on a small scale.
      + patches all go into 6.2 (Heiko)
    + get-involved is in 6.1.x
    + agree it is annoying (Thorsten)
      + there is a problem, TDF can only go so far
        without a stable donation stream
         + not wedded to the current solution.
      + perhaps not the best venue to discuss → community / UX’y
      + slightly afraid of blessing stable too much
    + easire decision – not a permanent idea for stable (Miklos)
      + but just 6.1 – and come up with a better proposal.
AI:   + propose remove it from 6.3 and 6.1-stable (Justin)
       + could make it an --enable-release-build thing for 6.3 (Miklos)
AI:   => disable for 6.1 for now & release-build-ize it for 6.2 & 6.3
       + and continue discussing elsewhere.

* Documentation (Olivier)
    + New Help:
        + XSLT maintenance and optimization
      + some work on transformations ongoing
    + Help editor
        + Uploaded pre-alpha for evaluations (Mike Saunders, Olivier)
        + something to test here:
        + Split screen in 2 to apply xsltproc on the fly to get page rendered
             + Firefox only (issues with non-standard browser xsltproc)
             + WIP
    + Helpcontents 2
        + many new pages on Python (A Romedenne aka libreofficiant, Olivier)
        + Fixes after translators reviews (A. Gelmini, S. Horacek, S. Unal)
        + Many missing pages BASIC objects/statements (ohallot, A. Romedenne)
        + Update icons in Math pages (M. Robbinson)
        + new help system seems to attract people
    + Literature
        + Vacations

* UX Update (Heiko)
    + Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics
        256(256) (topicUI) bugs open, 276(276) (needsUXEval) needs to be evaluated by the UXteam
    + Updates:
        BZ changes   1 week   1 month   3 months   12 months  
             added      5(-1)    14(-3)    55(-1)     105(1)  
         commented     54(27)   144(7)    437(24)    1456(37) 
           removed      1(1)      3(1)     11(1)       16(2)  
          resolved      3(1)     13(3)     27(0)      109(2)  
    + top 10 contributors:
          Tietze, Heiko made 73 changes in 1 month, and 560 changes in 1 year
          Dieter Praas made 28 changes in 1 month, and 142 changes in 1 year
          Xisco Faulí made 27 changes in 1 month, and 284 changes in 1 year
          kompilainenn made 25 changes in 1 month, and 80 changes in 1 year
          Foote, V Stuart made 22 changes in 1 month, and 246 changes in 1 year
          Kainz, Andreas made 18 changes in 1 month, and 147 changes in 1 year
          Aditya Sahu made 14 changes in 1 month, and 14 changes in 1 year
          Thomas Lendo made 12 changes in 1 month, and 354 changes in 1 year
          Henschel, Regina made 10 changes in 1 month, and 65 changes in 1 year
          Cor Nouws made 9 changes in 1 month, and 71 changes in 1 year
    + 19 tickets with needsUXEval since Dec/21
      + Dup/WFM/NAB: 6, New/Accepted: 6, Undecided: 5, Assigned/Fixed: 1

    + easyhack/needsDevEval
      + Find & Replace dialog could save search history on closing of the
      + remember the last chosen animation
    + needsDevAdvice
      + Tango themed ODF MIME type icons with white background need redesign for
        better appearance on Windows and macOS with dark mode DE
      + Worse text rendering in newer versions of LibreOffice
      + both look like regressions, needs bibisecting / triage?
AI	  + Heiko sets proper BZ tags

* Crash Testing (Caolan)
    + 6 (+0) import failures, 0(+0) export failures
    + 8 (+0) coverity issues
      + coverity not working with C++17
      + no good plan there yet – perhaps new version (only
	    for paying customers) can fix that?
AI    + caolan poke them on an ETA (if that will be available to us)
      + https://community.synopsys.com/s/article/Coverity-Scan-Update actually
        now coverity is completely down for everybody with no ETA for
        restoration, so lets wait until it comes back up to see what version it
        will use if it comes back
    + 14 (3)  Google / ossfuzz: 12 timeouts.
        + 1 serious
    + ForcePoint, round 9
        + two asserts/crashes on using crashtester over round 9
    + CVE issues in progress for Jan 2019
    + CNA process fun
    + PVS Studio – some smallish issues remaining
AI  + discuss on dev list if someone could look into it (Thorsten)

* Crash Reporting (Xisco)
    + http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
         + 900 (last 7 days) (+155)
    + http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
         + 2632 (last 7 days) (-112)
    + http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
         + 1837 (last 7 days) (-901)
    + http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
         + 1248 166 (last 7 days) (+1082)
    + → mergedlo.dll is top 1 crash signature – not very informative

* Hackfests & Events (Thorsten)
   + next year hackfests coming up:
    + FOSDEM in February 2nd
          + Wed/Thur- 2 days ~3 days before the conference confirmed.
          + lots going on on Friday there
          + Add yourself to the dinner / hackfest wiki page:
              + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events/2019/FOSDEM
          + track: https://fosdem.org/2019/schedule/track/open_document_editors/
    + Tirana perhaps in March/April
    + Paris in summer
        + discuss timing – end of June or sometime July?
AI      + interested attendants please let Sophie know your preference
    + tentative Dresden: late autumn (past mid-October, for having students)
   + hope to have one each quarter.
   + GSoC’19
     + https://opensource.googleblog.com/2018/11/google-summer-of-code-15-years-strong.html
        + project signup (opening Jan 15th)
        + do another 100 paper cuts project ? (Heiko)
          + https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/f/58506 (r/w access again)
        + developers, QA, etc. listed – and student picked a few & solve.
        + not a great success.
        + not a full GSOC project – could be part of paper-cuts.
           + if say – we want to solve it: decide what procedure here.
           + nothing to finalize
           + suggest a dev to oversee it – who ? (Michael)
AI    + good to come up with good ideas / design plans for the wiki (Thorsten)
      + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/GSoC/Ideas
        + Heiko / Xisco as org. admins ?
        + trouble with decision of what projects ? (Heiko)
        + based on mentor power and student quality (Thorsten)

* C++ lectures ( Xisco )
   + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events/C%2B%2BLectures
   + 2nd session: retrospective (?)
      + https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2018/12/18/coming-up-on-december-20-next-c-workshop/
      + on input/output streams and how to build LibreOffice

   + 3rd session: TODAY Jan, 10
      + https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2019/01/09/next-c-workshop-10-january-2019-at-1900-utc/
      + on abstract data types and how to build LibreOffice

* mentoring/easyhack update
          committer...   1 week    1 month      3 months      12 months    
                  open      47(4)     100(-11)      107(-10)      119(-9)  
               reviews     766(56)   4008(-627)   13104(-453)   37929(135) 
                merged     146(7)     928(-236)    3632(-167)   15149(-151)
             abandoned       9(4)      34(-7)       213(-2)       928(-1)  
           own commits     130(11)    799(-361)    3943(-181)   15444(-163)
        review commits      46(-7)    300(-147)    1066(3)       3850(-78) 
        contributor...   1 week    1 month    3 months   12 months    
                  open     17(6)      36(3)      36(3)        37(2)   
               reviews     51(-5)    243(-1)    498(9)     15627(-564)
                merged     19(-12)   149(-14)   396(2)      1641(-12) 
             abandoned      5(1)      28(-2)     76(2)       302(2)   
           own commits     31(-4)    197(-6)    491(13)     1651(0)   
        review commits      0(0)       0(0)       0(0)         0(0)   
    + easyHack statistics:
       needsDevEval 69(69)   needsUXEval 3(3)   cleanup_comments 242(242)   
       total 304(304)   assigned 23(23)   open 205(205)   
    + top 10 contributors:
          Gelmini, Andrea made 56 patches in 1 month, and 552 patches in 1 year
          Sophia Schröder made 34 patches in 1 month, and 205 patches in 1 year
          sabri unal made 18 patches in 1 month, and 22 patches in 1 year
          Dmitriy Shilin made 13 patches in 1 month, and 19 patches in 1 year
          LibreOfficiant made 8 patches in 1 month, and 8 patches in 1 year
          Alain Romedenne made 8 patches in 1 month, and 14 patches in 1 year
          Illarionov, Arkadiy made 7 patches in 1 month, and 53 patches in 1 year
          Matthias Seidel made 6 patches in 1 month, and 14 patches in 1 year
          Aleksei Nikiforov made 5 patches in 1 month, and 15 patches in 1 year
          Balazs Varga made 4 patches in 1 month, and 18 patches in 1 year
    + top 10 reviewers:
          Nabet, Julien made 131 review comments in 1 month, and 1074 in 1 year
          Behrens, Thorsten made 126 review comments in 1 month, and 1483 in 1 year
          Vajna, Miklos made 98 review comments in 1 month, and 1330 in 1 year
          Adolfo Jayme Barrientos made 97 review comments in 1 month, and 1029 in 1 year
          McNamara, Caolán made 86 review comments in 1 month, and 1077 in 1 year
          Olivier Hallot made 84 review comments in 1 month, and 550 in 1 year
          Xisco Faulí made 84 review comments in 1 month, and 502 in 1 year
          Bergmann, Stephan made 81 review comments in 1 month, and 722 in 1 year
          Behrens, Katarína made 73 review comments in 1 month, and 516 in 1 year
          Mohrhard, Markus made 73 review comments in 1 month, and 729 in 1 year
    + big CONGRATULATIONS to contributors who have at least 1 merged patch, since last report:
          Aditya Sahu adityasahu1511@xxxxxxxxx 
          Mark-R mark_r80@xxxxxxxxxxx 
* Commit Access

* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + proposed three names, discussing them.
AI  + all accepted, Stephan will handle the minutiae

* Jenkins / CI update (Christian)
    from:Thu Jan  3 15:09:41 2019
    master linux rel  jobs: 116 ok: 107 ko:   9 fail ratio:  7.76 % break:   4 broken duration: 7.18%
    master linux dbg  jobs: 100 ok:  93 ko:   7 fail ratio:  7.00 % break:   5 broken duration: 4.64%
    master mac rel    jobs:  97 ok:  87 ko:  10 fail ratio: 10.31 % break:   2 broken duration: 2.49%
    master mac dbg    jobs:  95 ok:  85 ko:  10 fail ratio: 10.53 % break:   2 broken duration: 2.21%
    master win rel    jobs:  79 ok:  46 ko:  32 fail ratio: 40.51 % break:  20 broken duration:44.34%
    master win dbg    jobs:  81 ok:  58 ko:  22 fail ratio: 27.16 % break:  16 broken duration:24.18%
    master win64 dbg  jobs:  80 ok:  51 ko:  28 fail ratio: 35.00 % break:  17 broken duration:37.79%
    lo-5.3 mac        jobs:   0 ok:   0 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%
    lo-5.4 mac        jobs:   0 ok:   0 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%
    master gerrit lin jobs: 345 ok: 268 ko:  29 fail ratio:  8.41% time for ok: mean:  18 median:  16
    master gerrit plg jobs: 334 ok: 240 ko:  43 fail ratio: 12.87% time for ok: mean:  43 median:  40
    master gerrit win jobs: 367 ok: 235 ko:  49 fail ratio: 13.35% time for ok: mean:  67 median:  58
    master gerrit mac jobs: 355 ok: 251 ko:  29 fail ratio:  8.17% time for ok: mean:  48 median:  29
    master gerrit all jobs: 286 ok: 172 ko:  89 fail ratio: 31.12% time for ok: mean:  99 median:  65
   + https://dev-www.libreoffice.org/tmp/gerrit_190110.html 
   + tests that failed more than twice in last seven days: 
      3 CppunitTest_sw_odfimport
      3 CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlimport
      5 CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport12

* l10n (Sophie)
   + preparing 6.2 as hidden project (Cloph)
   + preparing workflow for South African languages (Sophie)
   + and also Khmer

* QA update (Xisco)

    + Please help flesh out the monthly reports:

    + UNCONFIRMED: 527 (+30)
        + enhancements: 70  (+8)
        + needsUXEval: 4 (+2)
        + haveBackTrace: 3 (+0)
        + needsDevAdvice: 16 (+0)
        + documentation:  7 (+0)
        + android:  9 (+0)
    + Most pressing bugs:
        + New
            + EDITING Calc crash manipulating Negative red numbers / Currency
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=122509
                + Eike ?

        + Older

            + PRINTING Crash calling print config dialog in specific case
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121439
                + Tomaz V

            + Crash in: libsclo.so Copy block of cells to clipboard with focus
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121949
                + luboš luňák

            + Crash in: SwFrame::PrepareMake(OutputDevice *) 
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=119126
                + Miklos - lots of crashes in crash reporter.
            + Can't edit file on samba shares
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=115747
                    + lots of feedback on ‘ask’ about this (Mike K)
                    + juergen funk ? Workaround not working around.
            + Crash after accepting all changes from compared documents
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=109376
                + M. Stahl ? Two different crashes (?)
            + Crashes on UNDO
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=120754
                + dtardon / Caolan. Its an extension, so I'm guessing that
                  one of the steps is outside undo control
            + Crash in: SwIndex::SwIndex(SwIndexReg * const,long)
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=119989
                + bisected to Ash

            + Calc: Crash when cutting some content
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118707
                + Henry Castro; Lubos looking at it.

        + Fixed
            + Crash in: mergedlo.dll closing "Edit Index Entry" dialog (gen/gtk)
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12244
                + thanks to Caolan
            + CRASH in SvTreeList::InvalidateEntry(SvTreeListEntry *)
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=122020
                + thanks to Caolan
            + Crash in: SvxConfigPage::InsertEntry(SvxConfigEntry *,SvTreeListEntry *,bool)
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=122383
                + thanks to Muhammet Kara
            + LibreOffice not usable; opens OK but crashes entering
              data on macOS 10.14.1 Mojave
                + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121778
                + ‘fixed’ by building with an older XCode but .. will return 
                + happens in the normal Mac build as well; thanks to Tor

* QA stats
    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
      +162  -78 (-98) overall)
      many thanks to the top bug squashers:
       Xisco Faulí             11
       Buovjaga                9
       andreas_k               7
       Timur                   5
       László Németh           4
       Mike Kaganski           4
       Gabor Kelemen           3
       Cor Nouws               3
       Heiko Tietze            3
       Roman Kuznetsov         3

    + top 10 bugs reporters:
       NISZ LibreOffice Team   13
       Xisco Faulí             9
       Cor Nouws               7
       Nicolas Christener      7
       Harald Koester          4
       Telesto                 4
       Andras Timar            3
       ricky.tigg              3
       William Gathoye         3
       Dan Lewis               2

    + top 10 bugs fixers:
       Kainz, Andreas          6
       Németh, László          5
       Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 3
       Alex Thurgood           2
       Xisco Faulí             2
       Kaganski, Mike          2
       Muhammet Kara           2
       McNamara, Caolán        1
       Balland-Poirier, Laurent 1

    + top 10 bugs confirmers:
       Xisco Faulí             24
       Dieter Praas            10
       Raal                    8
       Brinzing, Oliver        4
       Alex Thurgood           4
       Telesto                 4
       Henschel, Regina        3
       Foote, V Stuart         3
       Budea, Áron             3

* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
   + http://bit.ly/2lJAAJI
     6.0 : 3/51 -     5 %  (+0)
     5.4 : 1/40 -     2 %  (+0)
     5.3 : 1/54 -     1 %  (+0)
     5.2 : 2/43 -     4 %  (+0)
     5.1 : 0/35 -     0 %  (+0)
     5.0 : 2/64 -     3 %  (+0)
     4.4 : 1/76 -     1 %  (+0)
     4.3 : 2/73 -     2 %  (+0)
     4.2 : 4/134 -    2 %  (+0)
     4.1 : 3/84 -     3 %  (+0)
     4.0 : 4/83 -     4 %  (+0)
     old : 19/257 -   7 %  (+0)

* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
   + more accurate - down to a single commit.
   + http://bit.ly/2dyIfDy
   + 645/2897 631/2873 616/2857 624/2842 625/2827 618/2800 619/2782 

     done by:
        Xisco Faulí           15
        Budea, Áron            4
        Raal                   3
        kompilainenn           1
        Terrence Enger         1
        Kaganski, Mike         1

* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'
   + http://bit.ly/2cSCXlS
   + 833/3667 819/3643 803/3625 817/3610 817/3598 810/3568 811/3549 

     done by:
        Xisco Faulí           15
        Budea, Áron            3
        Raal                   3
        kompilainenn           1
        Terrence Enger         1
        Kaganski, Mike         1

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
   + 1102(+23) bugs open of 7992(+32) total 17(+3) high prio.

     done by:
        Xisco Faulí                9
        Cor Nouws                  7
        kompilainenn               3
        Balland-Poirier, Laurent   2
        Alex Thurgood              2
        Telesto                    2
        Budea, Áron                1
        Timur                      1
        Robert Großkopf            1
        Raal                       1

* ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
   + http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E
     Writer        - 6(+1)
     LibreOffice   - 5(+0)
     Calc          - 5(+2)
     graphics stack - 1(+0)

   by OS:
     All           - 14(+3)
     Mac OS X      - 0(+0)
     Linux         - 0(+0)
     Windows       - 3(+0)

* ~Component   count net * all regressions
   + http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i
     Writer: other            - 275(+0)
     Calc                     - 209(+5)
     Impress                  - 117(+0)
     LibreOffice              - 76(+4)
     Writer: docx filter      - 74(+0)
     Draw                     - 44(+0)
     UI                       - 44(+1)
     Borders                  - 41(+0)
     Base                     - 38(+3)
     Writer: doc filter       - 37(+1)
     Writer: perf             - 36(+0)
     Writer: other filter     - 34(+3)
     graphics stack           - 33(+0)
     Crashes                  - 30(+1)
     filters and storage      - 24(+0)
     Printing and PDF export  - 15(+0)
     BASIC                    - 13(+0)
     Chart                    - 11(+1)
     framework                - 2(+0)
     Linguistic               - 2(+0)
     Installation             - 1(+0)


-- Thorsten

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