Since commit 4a290888580474f9542f185091bb2a6fcf4e9a53, PythonTest_sw_python fails on Windows (with VS 15.8.6) in SvtBroadcaster::~SvtBroadcaster() on line 102 while (dest != maDestructedListeners.end() && (*dest < *it)) on second iteration when maListeners contains more than 1 item. The assertion "vector iterators incompatible" is failed in this case. Ignoring the assertion still fails the unit test. Reverting 4a290888580474f9542f185091bb2a6fcf4e9a53 (and subsequent 48bf5a74186140760a734091a85e85d198e6fdfa) allows to pass the test. My autogen.input: --with-external-tar=c:/lo/src/lo-externalsrc --with-junit=c:/lo/src/junit-4.10.jar --with-ant-home=c:/lo/src/apache-ant-1.9.5 --with-galleries=no --enable-pch --enable-dbgutil --enable-symbols --without-help --without-package-format --disable-64-bit --with-gdrive-client-id=XXX --with-gdrive-client-secret=XXX --enable-breakpad --disable-windows-build-signing ======= $ /opt/lo/bin/make PythonTest_sw_python C:/cygwin64/opt/lo/bin/make -j 12 -rs -f C:/lo/src/core/Makefile.gbuild PythonTest_sw_python [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/sorted.lst [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/commandimagelist.ilst make[1]: Circular C:/lo/src/core/workdir/ExternalProject/twain_dsm.prepare <- C:/lo/src/core/workdir/UnpackedTarball/twain_dsm.done dependency dropped. [ECH] CustomTarget/instsetoo_native/setup/version.ini [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/ [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/ [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/ [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/ [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/ [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/ [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/ [PRL] CustomTarget/postprocess/images/ [PKG] instsetoo_native_setup [CUS] postprocess/images [PKG] postprocess_images [BIN] postprocess [MOD] postprocess [ALL] All modules but instset: UnoControls accessibility animations apple_remote avmedia basctl basegfx basic bean binaryurp bridges canvas chart2 cli_ure codemaker comphelper configmgr connectivity cppcanvas cppu cppuhelper cpputools cui dbaccess desktop dictionaries drawinglayer dtrans editeng embeddedobj embedserv emfio eventattacher extensions external msc-externals apache-commons beanshell boost breakpad clew clucene coinmp cppunit curl epoxy expat firebird glm gpgmepp graphite harfbuzz hsqldb hunspell hyphen icu jfreereport lcms2 libabw libassuan libcdr libcmis libebook libepubgen libetonyek libexttextcat libfreehand libgpg-error libjpeg-turbo liblangtag libmspub libmwaw libnumbertext libodfgen liborcus libpagemaker libpng libqxp librevenge libstaroffice libtommath libvisio libwpd libwpg libwps libxml2 libxslt libzmf lpsolve mariadb-connector-c mdds mdnsresponder misc_extensions more_fonts mythes neon nss openssl pdfium poppler postgresql python3 redland rhino twain_dsm ucpp xmlsec xsltml zlib extras filter forms formula fpicker framework helpcompiler hwpfilter i18nlangtag i18npool i18nutil idl idlc io javaunohelper jurt jvmaccess jvmfwk l10ntools librelogo libreofficekit lingucomponent linguistic lotuswordpro nlpsolver o3tl odk offapi officecfg onlineupdate oovbaapi oox opencl package postprocess pyuno qadevOOo readlicense_oo registry remotebridges reportbuilder reportdesign ridljar sal salhelper sax sc scaddins sccomp scp2 scripting sd sdext setup_native sfx2 shell slideshow smoketest solenv soltools sot starmath stoc store svgio svl svtools svx sw swext sysui test testtools toolkit tools ucb ucbhelper udkapi uitest unodevtools unoidl unoil unotest unotools unoxml ure uui vbahelper vcl winaccessibility wizards writerfilter writerperfect xmerge xmlhelp xmloff xmlreader xmlscript xmlsecurity [PYT] sw_python warn:sfx.appl:14300:15220:sfx2/source/appl/app.cxx:191: No DDE-Service possible. Error: 16399 warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:basic:14300:15220:basic/source/uno/namecont.cxx:973: Cannot access extensions! warn:basic:14300:15220:basic/source/uno/namecont.cxx:973: Cannot access extensions! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. ..warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/format.cxx:220: ~SwFormat: parent format missing from: Frameformat .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:ucbhelper/source/client/content.cxx:671: Content::createSortedCursor - no cursor! warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwTextFormatColl client added as listener to a class SwTextFormatColl during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:xmloff:14300:15220:xmloff/source/core/xmlerror.cxx:170: An error or a warning has occurred during XML import/export! Error-Id: 0x4002000d Flags: 4 SEVERE Class: 2 FORMAT Number: d Parameters: 0: office:blue Exception-Message: Root element unknown Position: Public Identifier: System Identifier: BlockList.xml Row, Column: 2,115 .warn:xmloff:14300:15220:xmloff/source/core/xmlerror.cxx:170: An error or a warning has occurred during XML import/export! Error-Id: 0x4002000d Flags: 4 SEVERE Class: 2 FORMAT Number: d Parameters: 0: office:blue Exception-Message: Root element unknown Position: Public Identifier: System Identifier: BlockList.xml Row, Column: 2,115 .warn:xmloff:14300:15220:xmloff/source/core/xmlerror.cxx:170: An error or a warning has occurred during XML import/export! Error-Id: 0x4002000d Flags: 4 SEVERE Class: 2 FORMAT Number: d Parameters: 0: office:blue Exception-Message: Root element unknown Position: Public Identifier: System Identifier: BlockList.xml Row, Column: 2,115 .warn:xmloff:14300:15220:xmloff/source/core/xmlerror.cxx:170: An error or a warning has occurred during XML import/export! Error-Id: 0x4002000d Flags: 4 SEVERE Class: 2 FORMAT Number: d Parameters: 0: office:blue Exception-Message: Root element unknown Position: Public Identifier: System Identifier: BlockList.xml Row, Column: 2,115 .warn:xmloff:14300:15220:xmloff/source/core/xmlerror.cxx:170: An error or a warning has occurred during XML import/export! Error-Id: 0x4002000d Flags: 4 SEVERE Class: 2 FORMAT Number: d Parameters: 0: office:blue Exception-Message: Root element unknown Position: Public Identifier: System Identifier: BlockList.xml Row, Column: 2,115 .warn:xmloff:14300:15220:xmloff/source/core/xmlerror.cxx:170: An error or a warning has occurred during XML import/export! Error-Id: 0x4002000d Flags: 4 SEVERE Class: 2 FORMAT Number: d Parameters: 0: office:blue Exception-Message: Root element unknown Position: Public Identifier: System Identifier: BlockList.xml Row, Column: 2,115 .warn:xmloff:14300:15220:xmloff/source/core/xmlerror.cxx:170: An error or a warning has occurred during XML import/export! Error-Id: 0x4002000d Flags: 4 SEVERE Class: 2 FORMAT Number: d Parameters: 0: office:blue Exception-Message: Root element unknown Position: Public Identifier: System Identifier: BlockList.xml Row, Column: 2,115 .warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:ucbhelper/source/client/content.cxx:671: Content::createSortedCursor - no cursor! warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:ucbhelper/source/client/content.cxx:671: Content::createSortedCursor - no cursor! warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. .warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:ucbhelper/source/client/content.cxx:671: Content::createSortedCursor - no cursor! warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. .warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:tools.datetime:14300:15220:tools/source/datetime/tdate.cxx:101: Date::setDateFromDMY - sure about 0 year? It's not in the calendar. warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:ucbhelper/source/client/content.cxx:671: Content::createSortedCursor - no cursor! warn:sfx.doc:14300:15220:sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx:466: init_Impl(): Could not create root warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. warn:sw.core:14300:15220:sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx:228: a class SwNumFormat client added as listener to a class SwCharFormat during client iteration. .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:comphelper/source/container/interfacecontainer2.cxx:175: OSL_ASSERT: warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:comphelper/source/container/interfacecontainer2.cxx:206: OSL_ASSERT: .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .xwarn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .......s....tests ok pyuno object ({implementationName=SwXTextEmbeddedObjects, supportedServices={}, supportedInterfaces={,,,,,}} Object1 I: <__ROOT__> I: <Frame> name: frame1 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Text> content: abc I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby3 I: <Text> content: de I: <Footnote> label: ftn4 I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Text> content: fg I: <Frame> name: frame5 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <TextField> content: h O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Frame> name: frame1 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Text> content: abc O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby3 O: <Text> content: de O: <Footnote> label: ftn4 O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Text> content: fg O: <Frame> name: frame5 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <TextField> content: h position differs: expected: 0 actual: 1 position differs: expected: 1 actual: 0 warning: 2 differences in sequence I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Text> content: abc I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Text> content: abc O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Text> content: abc I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Text> content: de I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Text> content: abc O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Text> content: de O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # position differs: expected: 0 actual: 1 position differs: expected: 1 actual: 2 position differs: expected: 2 actual: 0 warning: 3 differences in sequence I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Text> content: abc I: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Text> content: de I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Text> content: abc O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Text> content: de O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # position differs: expected: 0 actual: 2 position differs: expected: 1 actual: 0 position differs: expected: 2 actual: 1 warning: 3 differences in sequence I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Text> content: abc O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Text> content: abc I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: content.xml#id16 I: <Text> content: abc O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: content.xml#id16 O: <Text> content: abc I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: content.xml#id19 I: <Text> content: abc I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: content.xml#id19 O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: content.xml#id19 O: <Text> content: abc O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: content.xml#id19 I: <__ROOT__> I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Frame> name: frame23 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Frame> name: frame27 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <__ROOT__> O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Frame> name: frame23 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Frame> name: frame27 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Frame> name: frame29 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Frame> name: frame31 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Frame> name: frame29 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame31 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Text> content: position differs: expected: 0 actual: 1 position differs: expected: 1 actual: 2 position differs: expected: 2 actual: 5 position differs: expected: 3 actual: 0 position differs: expected: 4 actual: 3 position differs: expected: 5 actual: 4 position differs: expected: 6 actual: 7 unexpected node: <Text> content: warning: 7 differences in sequence warning: 1 spurious empty text nodes I: <__ROOT__> I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Frame> name: frame35 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby37 I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Frame> name: frame41 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <__ROOT__> O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Frame> name: frame35 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby37 O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Frame> name: frame41 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <__ROOT__> I: <Text> content: abc I: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <__ROOT__> O: <Text> content: abc O: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <__ROOT__> I: <Text> content: abc I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Frame> name: frame46 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <Frame> name: frame48 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame49 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Text> content: abc..................warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Frame> name: frame46 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <Frame> name: frame48 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame49 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <__ROOT__> I: <Text> content: abc I: <Footnote> label: ftn50 I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <__ROOT__> O: <Text> content: abc O: <Footnote> label: ftn50 O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <Text> content: abc I: <Frame> name: frame53 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <Text> content: abc O: <Frame> name: frame53 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <__ROOT__> I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: True I: <Text> content: abc I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby55 I: <TextField> content: de I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: False O: <__ROOT__> O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: True O: <Text> content: abc O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby55 O: <TextField> content: de O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: False I: <__ROOT__> I: <Footnote> label: ftn56 O: <__ROOT__> O: <Footnote> label: ftn56 I: <__ROOT__> I: <Frame> name: frame57 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Frame> name: frame57 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <__ROOT__> I: <Frame> name: frame58 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Frame> name: frame58 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Text> content: position differs: expected: 1 actual: 2 unexpected node: <Text> content: warning: 1 differences in sequence warning: 1 spurious empty text nodes I: <__ROOT__> I: <Text> content: abc I: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Text> content: de I: <Frame> name: frame60 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Text> content: abc O: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Text> content: de O: <Frame> name: frame60 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <__ROOT__> I: <Text> content: abc I: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # I: <Text> content: de I: <Frame> name: frame62 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Text> content: abc O: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # O: <Text> content: de O: <Frame> name: frame62 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <__ROOT__> I: <Text> content: abc I: <Frame> name: frame63 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <Text> content: de I: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # O: <__ROOT__> O: <Text> content: abc O: <Frame> name: frame63 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <Text> content: de O: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # I: <__ROOT__> I: <Text> content: abc I: <Frame> name: frame65 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Text> content: de I: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # O: <__ROOT__> O: <Text> content: abc O: <Frame> name: frame65 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Text> content: de O: <Bookmark> isPoint: True isStart: False xmlid: # I: <__ROOT__> I: <Frame> name: frame67 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame68 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame69 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Frame> name: frame67 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame68 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame69 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Text> content: position differs: expected: 3 actual: 4 unexpected node: <Text> content: warning: 1 differences in sequence warning: 1 spurious empty text nodes I: <__ROOT__> I: <Frame> name: frame70 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame71 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame72 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Frame> name: frame70 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame71 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame72 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <__ROOT__> I: <Frame> name: frame73 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame74 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame75 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Frame> name: frame73 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame74 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame75 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <__ROOT__> I: <Frame> name: frame76 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame77 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame78 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Frame> name: frame76 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame77 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame78 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <__ROOT__> I: <Frame> name: frame79 anchor: AS_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame80 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <Frame> name: frame81 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <__ROOT__> O: <Frame> name: frame79 anchor: AS_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame80 anchor: AT_CHARACTER O: <Frame> name: frame81 anchor: AT_CHARACTER I: <__ROOT__> I: <Hyperlink> url: url82 I: <Text> content: abc O: <__ROOT__> O: <Hyperlink> url: url82 O: <Text> content: abc I: <__ROOT__> I: <Hyperlink> url: url83 I: <Text> content: O: <__ROOT__> O: <Hyperlink> url: url83 O: <Text> content: Checking meta(-field)s in loaded test document... I: <__ROOT__> I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby1 I: <Text> content: 1 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id1 I: <Text> content: 2 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id2 I: <Text> content: 3 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby2 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id3 I: <Text> content: 4 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby3 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id4 I: <Text> content: 5 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id5 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby4 I: <Text> content: 6 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id6 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby5 I: <Text> content: 7 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id7 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id8 I: <Text> content: 8 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id9 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id10 I: <Text> content: 9 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id11 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id12 I: <Text> content: 10 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id13 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id14 I: <Text> content: 11 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id15 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby6 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id16 I: <Text> content: 12 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml# I: <Text> content: 13 I: <Text> content: X X <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id2 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id2 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id4 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id4 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id6 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id6 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id10 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id10 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id11 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id11 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id14 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id14 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id13 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id13 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id16 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id16 O: <__ROOT__> O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby1 O: <Text> content: 1 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id1 O: <Text> content: 2 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id2 O: <Text> content: 3 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby2 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id3 O: <Text> content: 4 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby3 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id4 O: <Text> content: 5 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id5 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby4 O: <Text> content: 6 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id6 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby5 O: <Text> content: 7 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id7 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id8 O: <Text> content: 8warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:sw/source/core/text/guess.cxx:58: +SwTextGuess::Guess: invalid SwTextFormatInfo warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:sw/source/core/text/guess.cxx:58: +SwTextGuess::Guess: invalid SwTextFormatInfo warn:legacy.osl:14300:15220:sw/source/core/text/guess.cxx:58: +SwTextGuess::Guess: invalid SwTextFormatInfo warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! .warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! warn:xmloff.text:14300:15220:xmloff/source/text/txtflde.cxx:2825: no field var name! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1084: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load large icon ! warn:vcl:14300:15220:vcl/win/window/salframe.cxx:1085: WinSalFrame::SetIcon(): Could not load small icon ! ... O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id9 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id10 O: <Text> content: 9 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id11 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id12 O: <Text> content: 10 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id13 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id14 O: <Text> content: 11 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id15 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby6 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id16 O: <Text> content: 12 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id2657169244 O: <Text> content: 13 O: <Text> content: X X ...done Storing test document... ...done Loading test document... ...done Checking meta(-field)s in loaded test document... I: <__ROOT__> I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby1 I: <Text> content: 1 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id1 I: <Text> content: 2 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id2 I: <Text> content: 3 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby2 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id3 I: <Text> content: 4 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby3 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id4 I: <Text> content: 5 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id5 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby4 I: <Text> content: 6 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id6 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby5 I: <Text> content: 7 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id7 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id8 I: <Text> content: 8 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id9 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id10 I: <Text> content: 9 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id11 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id12 I: <Text> content: 10 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id13 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id14 I: <Text> content: 11 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id15 I: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby6 I: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id16 I: <Text> content: 12 I: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml# I: <Text> content: 13 I: <Text> content: X X <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id2 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id2 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id4 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id4 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id6 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id6 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id10 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id10 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id11 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id11 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id14 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id14 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id13 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id13 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id16 <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id16 O: <__ROOT__> O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby1 O: <Text> content: 1 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id1 O: <Text> content: 2 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id2 O: <Text> content: 3 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby2 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id3 O: <Text> content: 4 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby3 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id4 O: <Text> content: 5 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id5 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby4 O: <Text> content: 6 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id6 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby5 O: <Text> content: 7 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id7 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id8 O: <Text> content: 8 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id9 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id10 O: <Text> content: 9 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id11 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id12 O: <Text> content: 10 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id13 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id14 O: <Text> content: 11 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id15 O: <Ruby> rubytext: ruby6 O: <MetadataField> xmlid: content.xml#id16 O: <Text> content: 12 O: <InContentMetadata> xmlid: content.xml#id2657169244 O: <Text> content: 13 O: <Text> content: X X ...done Checking bookmarks in loaded test document... ...done Checking sections in loaded test document... ...done Checking indexes in loaded test document... ...done Storing test document... ...done Loading test document... ...done Checking bookmarks in loaded test document... ...done Checking sections in loaded test document... ...done Checking indexes in loaded test document... ...done I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: True I: <Text> content: abc I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: True I: <Text> content: de I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: False I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: False O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: True O: <Text> content: abc O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: True O: <Text> content: de O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: False O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: False I: <__ROOT__> I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: True isStart: False I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: True I: <Text> content: abc I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: True I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: True I: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: False I: <Text> content: de I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: False I: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # 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I: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: False O: <__ROOT__> O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: True xmlid: # O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: True isStart: False O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: True O: <Text> content: abc O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: False O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: True O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: True O: <Text> content: de O: <Bookmark> isPoint: False isStart: False xmlid: # O: <ReferenceMark> isPoint: False isStart: False O: <DocumentIndexMark> isPoint: False isStart: False position differs: expected: 0 actual: 2 position differs: expected: 2 actual: 0 position differs: expected: 0 actual: 1 position differs: expected: 1 actual: SfxBindings::Register while status-updating Reschedule in StateChanged => buff CreateSet_Impl with dirty MessageServer Reschedule in StateChanged => buff CreateSet_Impl with dirty MessageServer Reschedule in StateChanged => buff CreateSet_Impl with dirty MessageServer Reschedule in StateChanged => buff CreateSet_Impl with dirty MessageServer Reschedule in StateChanged => buff CreateSet_Impl with dirty MessageServer Reschedule in StateChanged => buff CreateSet_Impl with dirty MessageServer Reschedule in StateChanged => buff CreateSet_Impl with dirty MessageServer Reschedule in StateChanged => buff CreateSet_Impl with dirty MessageServer Reschedule in StateChanged => buff Error: a unit test failed, please do one of: make PythonTest_sw_python CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args" # for interactive debugging on Linux make PythonTest_sw_python VALGRIND=memcheck # for memory checking make PythonTest_sw_python DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE # for exception catching You can limit the execution to just one particular test by: make PYTHON_TEST_NAME="testXYZ" ...above mentioned params... make[1]: *** [C:/lo/src/core/solenv/gbuild/ C:/lo/src/core/workdir/PythonTest/sw_python/done] Error 1 make: *** [Makefile:167: PythonTest_sw_python] Error 2 -- Best regards, Mike Kaganski _______________________________________________ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx