Hi there,
I'm wondering If someone can clarify some pfifo-bfifo questions
So, pfifo use packets and its limit defaults to txqueuelen and bfifo is
txqueuelen multiplied by the interface mtu, default txqueuelen is 1000
on my machine
But what if I play around with this and set a txqueuelen to a gigantic
value like 10000 but set the bfifo limit to my bandwidth*delay product,
upon congestion what will happen? I assume the bfifo will limit the
queue to the value I want but will this interfere with the interface
queue length?
My plan is setting bfifo limit in my interface to the bdp assuming 100ms
of delay
So with an egress of 50mbit and assuming 100ms delay I have a bdp of
625000, if I set this as bfifo limit, this means that the queue can hold
up to 100ms of data?
Is this a correct thing to do? Does that make sense?
Also, I noticed that in my machine (Debian 11, Kernel 5.10) I have
access to pfifo_head_drop but there is no bfifo_head_drop, why is that?