hello everybody
apologies if this may feel off the topic, I was hoping some
net experts could shed some lights on some peculiar symptoms
I experience
I would very! much appreciate any help
a BOX that has two net interfaces, a public and private one,
both configured via dhcp by net admin
public IP is reachable from/via the Internet/public network
just fine, but at the same time
same public IP is NOT reachable from within PRIV network,
the same network the BOX's second interface is on
default gateway for the PRIV subnet is a separate another
system, BOX uses PRIV gateway as the default one (but have
tried the public gateway too)
arpinging both IPs from PRIV gives me the same one MAC of
BOX private net interface
public IP becomes reachable to PRIV subnet immediately after
second(private) interface was turned down
we have no control over the whole network stack but know
that PUBLIC IP connection goes via unmanaged switches to the
is it the BOX or the network stack somewhere?
unmanaged switches should not cache any ARP, also, how come
that it gets corrected (public becomes available to PRIV)
only if I turn PRIV interface down??
box is SL 6.1, firewall is off, ip_forward=0
this is the most peculiar problem of this nature I've ever
the goal is simple, have other systems on the same private
subnet as the BOX's second interface to be able to talk to
the BOX's public IP
obviously not routed via BOX's private address, this
workaround solves the problem, but routing via PRIV's gataway
many thanks
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