To build my traffic shaping policies, I currently use tc statements like:
tc filter add dev ifb0 protocol ip parent be:0 prio 10 u32 match ip src match ip dst match ip protocol 6 ...
This, although quick and "efficient" causes a great deal of
inconvenience for me, as when combined with the use of ipsets I have to
synchronise the (possible) contents of these sets with the above tc
statements in order to build my traffic shaping policies. So, my
question to the TC devs/contributors is very simple: would it be
possible to bring ipset into tc?
In other words, to have tc ipset matching on src, destination, protocol
etc, instead of specifying hard-coded values like "",
"" and "protocol 6" in the example I used above.
If that is not possible, what are the obstacles in implementing this? If
it is indeed possible to implement this, are there any plans to do so,
has the implementation already started (do you need any volunteers :-)
)? Many thanks in advance!
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