Bill Blum wrote:
I'm working in the IT department of a small liberal arts university--
we're getting *massacred* by P2P traffic.
Informal testing/probing indicates that about 60% of our traffic from
the dorms was P2P-- we've taken the initial step of hardlimiting the
dorms to no more than 40% of outgoing university bandwidth. Also, we've
blocked the 'standard' ports for KaZaa, Gnutella, etc. in our
firewall/switch setup (Cisco Catalyst 6500 between us and the net at
However, the Powers That Be want a better, more effective solution---
without a performance hit for the VOIP phones on campus.
Any suggestions on what part of the FM I should be reading/etc, so that
I can make a better informed decision about how to proceed?
Bill Blum
Bill Blum
Bill.Blum@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:Bill.Blum@xxxxxxxxx>
Try a Linuc m/c in between with ipp2p patch on iptables. Have you tried
using the NBAR facility on the CISCO. That should also help.
Mohan Sundaram
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