Julius Junghans wrote:
with the attached config my gaming ping is still +20ms, even if the line isn't
saturated..can anybody give me a hint how to get a better response time?
my line: 1024/128kbit
Does not saturated mean no other traffic - I mean if you really have
128kbit up eg. dsl then the bitrate latency of a 1500 byte packet is
about 90ms so that's the best jitter you can get. Without tweaking and
recompiling htb it's likely to be 2x that.
You also have to consider overheads (you can patch for dsl/atm
overheads), and with htb it's better to have your game class with a high
rate and the lesser classes can just borrow the spare.
You shouldn't see any difference in latency with/without htb on the
interface - as long as there is no other traffic.
If I had 128kbit up I would consider reducing mtu on ppp0 or using
netfilter to mss clamp so that outbound bulk packets were smaller.
For the ingress shaping to work you need to sacrifice bandwidth - quite
alot for some traffic. you also need short queues so you drop packets.
If you do not specify htb/hfsc will pickup queue lengths from the
interface defaults - 3 for ppp, 32 for imq, 1000 for eth - not always
what you want.
Use counters to verify your classification is working -
iptables -L -v -n
tc -s class ls dev ppp0 etc
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