pfer wrote:
Hi all!
In short:
Anybody wrote a patch for DSMARK to make it capable of marking
only a ratio (a given arg to the tc command) of the packets it gets?
Say, 20%? Or, do I have to hack into the source? Alternatives,
like a filter spitting packets to 2 different DSMARK based on this ratio?
In long:
I'm a hungarian univ student involved in a project (RMD-QoS stuff)
which needs the following:
\ This node has 3 ingress and 1 egress link, all have for ex. 10 Mbit
\ limit to their traffic.
--- node ----- Suppose ingress traffic is: 8 + 3 +5 = 16 while the egress
/ link will be congested with 10. Because this node is a simple,
/ intradomain router, we would like to notify the downstream
/ edge node about this congestion, to tear down some of the flows
causing it. (Congestion occured via for. ex. a net failure)
What the protocol (draft) says, is that the edge will be notified of the level of the congestion, which will be calculated by this proportional data packet marking method, to avoid additional signaling.
Say, if 16 would go on a link with 10 capacity, congested core-node will mark
60% of the packets it sends to the output of the link to another DSCP.
I thought about DSMARK first, but that is incapable of doing this stuff.
(or I think so :)
PS: I did not check the archives rigorously, so sorry if I am asking trivial things.
PS2: Since I checked not to get mails from this list, please send your answer
to forgamedev@xxxxxxxxxx
I am not sure I get the logic of what you are trying to do for this
paticular setup, but there are examples of using policers with meters
shared across ingress links to dsmark overlimits packets in the iproute2
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