Software Anounce: htb frontend, for multiple hosts auto bandwidth management

Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control

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Hi all, i've coded htb-gen, a GPL htb frontend and much more...

htb-gen is meant to be an easy, scalable, yet powerfull,  bandwidth
management tool. You can set up/down portions of bandwith for each
host or network, that goes trough your router/firewall.
Prioritary traffic(web, mail, gaming, ftp, voip, streaming) is
preferred over Junk traffic(kazaa, emule, etc).  Also dynamic
bandwith borrow and re-assignation is done betwen host thanks to
htb boundaries.
A web-frontend for config is avaible as well, so remote management
is possible.
All bash based so it can be used in embedded routers/firewalls
Two backend are aviable:
 -generates raw tc commands
 -generates htb-init conf files (util for integration)
The packet clasification is done by iptables

Download is aviable at project page:

A conf file mai look like this:

#               down    down    up      up
#               min     max     min     max
#ip             (rate)  (ceil)  (rate)  (ceil)     0       64      0       32     0       128     0       64     0       256     0       128     256     512     128     256     256     256     256     256

As you see
 -Is extremly easy to maintain a large amount of hosts/networks
 -ips from different newtorks are allowed(they have to pass FORWARD anyway)
 -newtork syntax is allowed, bw will be assigned to the network
 -fixed rate support, i can garantee some bw.
 -A 0(zero) in rate means that it will be automagickly calculated based on the 
ceil weigth, and the unassigned bandwidth
 -there are a lot more of posibilties, see DOCS 

Some deep explanation:
 The bw that you assign for each host is divided like this (this can be
 easy addapted if you know a litle bit of iptables):
 -Prio traffic
    - packets smallest than 100bytes (tcp ACKs, most icmp messages)
    - all icmp traffic (icmp messages)
    - all udp traffic (voip, streaming, real time gaiming, etc...)
    - some tcp ports (seteable in conf file, ie: http,pop3,imap,ssh...)
 -Default traffic (junk traffic)
    - all traffic that do not mach any of the above (ie:emule, torrent,
      kazaa, gnutella...and so on)

 By thefault the host bandwidth is shared betwen this two kind of traffic, but
 the script grants that anytime that i use "prio traffic" it will climb up to
 90%, till that 'prio traffic' ends. This % can be modified if you want, see
 the 'rate_dfl_percet' value in conf. Also is posible to save junk bandwith
 assigning only a % of host ceil to the dfl traffic, see 'ceil_dfl_percet'.
 This will help to have several host sharing bw without almost any complaint.


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