Roberto Belletti wrote:
Hello everybody,
I have a Linux router with an ethernet adapter and a ADSL device.
My router has a GRE tunnel connected to a remote IP address.
Using "tc" I have configured 3 different classes:
1. 290kbit rate (used for Voip Services)
2. 180kbit rate (used for GRE tunnel)
3. 80kbit rate (for generic data traffic)
For each class, using "iperf", I send some data from a PC (connected attraverso eth0 device)
to a remote destination. The remote destination is the GRE tunnel terminator.
The data traffic test is different for each class:
1. 240kbit, 60byte packet size, UDP protocol
2. 200kbit, 250byte packet size, UDP protocol
3. 80kbit, 235byte packet size, UDP protocol
In this way I got a lot of dropped packets on each class, while my expected results was
a many drop packages only on the second class.
iperf may be using data rates htb uses ip level packet sizes (I guess on
atm0 - it's ip len +14 on eth).
I don't know cbq but notice the rates don't add up.
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