Re: HOWTO unmaintained?

Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control

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I wonder if someone would host a mediawiki and consider uploading the documentation there. This would make it easier for people to contribute, and I think it shold be fairly easy to convert from it's current format to a wiki

Good idea, I'll see if the OSDL will put up a wiki for it
on, stay tuned.
Can I suggest that you look very hard at Mediawiki (ie as per 
wikipedia).  It's built for scalability, is really easy to edit, very 
actively maintained, and has all the distributed stuff built in if you 
really needed to spread the load over several machines.  All in all a 
very grown up documentation tool.  Oh and it's also multi-lingual so it 
might also be possible to use it to help with the translation issues
I mainly mentioned it because I'm sure there are some tools for 
converting the current lartc faq up to the wiki format and obviously 
that's the first main step.
If someone will host it then I have some experience maintaining a 
mediawiki site and could probably help out some
Ed w
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