Re: Multiple Internet links - routing traffic to the correct one.

Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control

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On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 08:00:30AM +0200, Hamish Whittal wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have the following configuration:
>                                                                  _______
>                                           +------------+        /
>                              diginet link |            |       |
>                             +-------------+ Provider 1 +-------
>         __                  |             |            |     /
>     ___/  \_         +------+-------+     +------------+    |
>   _/        \__(eth0)|  eth1 (stat) |                      /
>  /             \  254|              |                      |
> | Local network -----+ Linux router |                      | Internet
>  \192.168.1.x __/    |              |                      |
>    \__     __/       |   eth2 (dyn) |                      \
>       \___/          +------+-------+     +------------+    |
>                    254|     |ppp0         |            |     \
>                 (eth3)|     +-------------+ Telecomms  +-------
>                       |      adsl link    |   ADSL     |      |
>        ___	      |			  +------------+       \________
>      _/   \__         |
>   __/        \___     |
>  /               \----+
> | Local Network  |
>  \__172.16.1.x__/
>     \__   ___/
>        \_/    
> In words:
> Two local LAN's (172.16.1.x) and (192.168.1.x). They service different
> parts of the organisation. The point is, the client does not want
> traffic from the 172.16.1.x network going over the ADSL link otherwise
> the cap will be reached in hours (iterally). The Router is also the mail
> server, so mail is delivered to the eth1 interface via a static IP
> address (eth1 in the diagram) - it is a 196.xx.xx.xx address.
> The ADSL is not a static address - 165.146.yy.yy.
> The LAN interface from the 192.168.1.x network on the router is
> The LAN interface on the other network is
> The 10.x.x.x network is an IP I have assigned to the eth2 interface to
> ensure that I can still talk to my adsl router, but the ppp0 link is a
> pppoe connection to the telecomms provider.
> So, with some assistance, I have set up the following:
> Table main:
>   dev ppp0 proto kernel scope link  src 165.146.yy.yy 
> 196.xx.xx.xx/nn dev eth1 proto kernel scope link  src 196.xx.xx.xx 
>     dev eth2 proto kernel scope link  src 
>  dev eth0 proto kernel scope link  src 
> default via 196.xx.xx.xx dev eth1
> (the default route here is going out through the diginet link -
> 196.xx.xx.xx in this table)
> table adsl:
>     dev eth2  scope link 
>  dev eth0  scope link 
>     dev lo  scope link 
> default via 165.146.yy.yy dev ppp0
> the rules:
> 0:      from all lookup local 
> 90:     from all to lookup main 
> 100:    from lookup adsl 
> 32766:  from all lookup main 
> 32767:  from all lookup default

You need to have another rule 

100:    from {adsladdress}/32 lookup adsl 

because your packets is getting MASQ and then rehitting the routing
table, which says roue out the default link which is actually the digi
link, most isp don;t allow asym routing of packets (ie will not allow
you to send a packet with a source address not in their address space),
it will probably still have the 172 address on it (not sure)

You should be able to confirm this by tcpdump'ing on eth1 

> ip route add default via 165.146.yy.yy dev ppp0 table adsl
> Now here it croaks. When I add this route, the continuous ping to a host
> on the internet from a machine on the Local Network (192) stops, which
> tells me it cannot get out via the ADSL link. In order to check whether
> the ADSL was working, I tried swapping the routes around so that the
> default traffic uses to ADSL link, and this worked - so it's not a
> problem with the physical ADSL link to the Internet.
> I have tested the following:
> 1) From a PC on the 192 net, I can ping the Telcomms ADSL gateway on the
> remote side (in my case, this is, but not further.
> 2) From the Linux router, I can ping to the and beyond.
> 3) I know the firewall rules are not blocking traffic since I am logging
> any traffic that is blocked by the firewall and nothing is showing up in
> the logs.
> My NAT firewall rules are as follows:
> -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 -j SNAT --to-source
> 196.xx.xx.xx 
> So, what's so hard about that! And yet, the minute I add a default route
> to the adsl table, things go pear shaped. Take that out, and the people
> on the LAN (192 net) can talk to everything on the Internet.
> So, what am I doing wrong here? I hope this is sufficient information to
> assist me in my routing woes.
> Any help.....yadda yadda.
> Cheers
> H
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